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I thanked Mike as he helped up get our bags out the back and he said he'd run to get us all coffee since we were all pretty tired and thirsty. I gave him money but of course he'd refuse so I put the money into my purse and helped Sarah with her suitcase and bags up to her house.

"Your house is so cute and quite big"

"Not as big as yours though"

I mean she wasn't wrong but I loved her home, it was so cute and very aesthetic all over.

We walked in and she led me upstairs to her room. We didn't want to waste anymore time here so she asked me to start help packing everything and I did. Good job she owned a few suitcases because this gal had a lot of clothes. I mean, I can't complain I guess I do too.

I was placing Sarah's shoes in one of the suitcases until her doorbell rang, I thought that was quite fast of Mike so I offered to answer the door.

"Thanks Mike you're the be-" I looked up and it wasn't Mike. It was Sarah's ex, Holland?

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were someone else" I gulped hard. Is shit about to go down?

Holland looked me up and down, but I couldn't read her facial expressions.

"Is Sarah here? We need to speak.. privately" she sighed still eyeing me up and down.

"Y-yeah I'll go get her" I left the door slightly open but didn't invite her in just incase Sarah didn't want her here. I walked into her bedroom and found her trying to de-tangle her jewellery. She's cute bless her.

"Hey Sar" she hummed in response.

"Your ex is here..."

"What? Why? Holland?" She asked and panic over took her face. She looked scared.

"Yeah she's asking for you, she's outside I didn't let her in as I didn't know if you wanted me too" I explained and she thanked me and quickly rushed past me and down to the front door. For all I knew this woman could want to harm my baby so I stood on the top floor listening to their conversation.

Sarah's POV:

I don't know why I was scared. I guess I was scared of what she wanted. I headed down the stairs and opened the door. I let her in but only just a little so I could shut the door.

"What do you want Holland?" I asked her with a furious tone. I didn't have time for her shit.

"I've been coming here for days, weeks even to try and talk to you. Where have you been?" She asked me seriously.

"That is not your business, we aren't together anymore remember?" My voice cracked.

"That's what I came here to talk to you about. I miss you Sari. I want you back" the older woman walked forward and I took a step back.

"Well I don't want you back. You only want me back because you've failed to replace me which I don't see how that is as you happily replaced me when I caught you throat to throat with that other woman" I started to tear up. Not because I missed her because it hurt to watch.

"That was a mistake Sarah. I am sorry and I do love you. I really do"

"Well I don't love you anymore and I haven't since that night" I cleared my throat.

Holland came closer and grabbed my hands, I tried to get lose of her grip but she was strong.

"Are you saying you don't miss what we had? After everything I gave you?" Holland scoffed.

"You gave me nothing but heart break and problems Holland" I cried more.

"That's the old me, I've changed during that time Sarah, believe me I have"

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