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it's a long one guys. 
sorry not sorry :)

Tyla's POV:

I woke up at 4:45am.  I was tired to say the least but I was too excited to stay asleep.  I was excited to go to the Emmy's with Sarah today.  I couldn't wait to show off what's mine and vice versa. 

I grabbed my phone off the side table and checked any notifications I may have had through the night. 

I didn't want to wake Sarah up just yet so I left her to sleep as it was still very early.

I slowly climbed out of bed, trying not to wake her up.  I slid on a hoodie and pj shorts and slippers and headed out the room and downstairs.

Beau and Bonnie heard me come down the stairs and greeted me at the bottom.

"Hi babies."  I spoke in a baby voice, still whispering.

They jumped up at me and I stroked them for a moment before heading to the kitchen.

I made myself a cup of coffee and headed into my office with my dogs following me.

I sat down behind my desk and turned my iMac on.
I was checking for work emails.  From my companies.  I replied to a few from 'doen', some were from Ryan Murphy as he was asking me to work on another project with him and was going to email Sarah himself to play a role in his next project.  I knew she would be pumped about that. 

I caught up on everything and turned my laptop off and headed into my inside gym.  I changed my shoes into my running shoes that was already in here and started on the treadmill.  The incline at 7 and walking 4mph.  I did this for 30 minutes then stopped.  I just wanted to feel more awake and ready for the long day ahead.

After I was finished I changed back into my slippers and walked back up to the masters bedroom where my wife was still sleeping.  I smiled at the sight of her spread across the bed.  Her hair fanned out on her pillow and some on her face.  Her angelic figure was sculpted by the sheets she was wrapped in.  I walked over to her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead and sat over on my sofa in my room.  I grabbed a book from the side and started reading.  I was reading 'Where The Crawdads Sing'.

An hour had passed and I heard Sarah's alarm go off. She was stirring in her sleep and eventually opened her eyes to turn her alarm off. I smiled wide at the sight, she hadn't noticed I was on the other side of our room. I could see movement in the sheets, I'm guessing it was her hand feeling for my body next to her. She sat up quickly when realising I wasn't next to her. "Tyla?" She called out.

"Hey baby, over here." I grinned and she shot her head over to me and face soon became relaxed and she flashed me a smile.

"Morning my love." I spoke while walking over to her and placing my book on the table.

"Mmm morning." She pulled me on top of her and placed a kiss on my lips. I pulled back to speak to her, my hands roaming her body over the sheets she was wrapped in.

"Are you ready for today?" I asked her and she nodded eagerly. "I can't wait to walk it with you and just be with you." Sarah leaned in to kiss me again and those words caused me to smile into the kiss.

"I'm hungry." Sarah groaned, causing me to giggle.

I rolled off of her and looked at her. "Well what are you waiting for, let's go eat." I said enthused which caused her to grin big and follow me downstairs with the bedsheets still wrapped around her.

We headed into the kitchen and I turned my head to ask what she wanted.

"Hey ba-" I was cut off by Sarah tripping over the sheet she was wrapped in and ran to catch her.  I caught her in a bridal pose and her eyes opened wide.

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