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Tyla's POV:

It was 7am and Sarah was still sleeping. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and booked for Sarah and I to have a day in the spa. She didn't know I was doing this, I wanted to keep it a surprise for her.

I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth and did my skincare. I fixed my hair up into a loose high bun and crept my way out, not wanting to wake Sarah up.

I walked over to the elevators and hit '1' which was ground floor. I walked past the beautiful plants and miniature waterfalls which were everywhere in this hotel. There was a huge tank to my right which contained small fish and a few turtles. This place was honestly amazing. I walked further down the hotel and entered the restaurant of the hotel, in here they were serving breakfast. It was a buffet so I grabbed two plates and piled on sausages, bacon, eggs, hash browns, beans etc. I took our plates to a cart and placed them on there. I headed my way over to the other side of the buffet which contained 'sweet treats' as that was what they were labelled as. I grabbed two more plates and put donuts, croissants, mini donuts and cupcakes on them. Before leaving the restaurant I made Sarah and I coffee.

I took the cart back through the hotel and into the elevator and pressed '13'. As I was waiting in the elevator for the doors to shut, a sudden hand grabbed the elevator doors, keeping them from shutting. I felt my soul leave my body and slowly re- enter.

"Oh my god, YOU'RE TYLA BALDWIN" a teenage girl screeched and so did her group of friends.

It was too early for this.

"Hi, yes that's me" I chuckled dryly.

"Can we please get a photo and an autograph?" Another one of the girls spoke excitedly.

"Of course" I smiled.

They all took photos with me and handed me pens to sign pieces of paper and napkins they all had.

"Thank you so much! Tell Sarah we all said hello!"

"I will" I smiled again and pressed '13' again so I could escape.

The girls waved me goodbye and watched me go up in the elevator.

I exited the elevator and walked back to my room, took out the keycard and swiped it and walked in with the cart.

I left it in the kitchen area and walked backed to the suite.

Sarah was still asleep and the sun hit her face perfectly. Revealing all her beauty marks and her features.

"Sarah" I whispered.

"Psst, babe. Wake up I got us breakfast"

I could see Sarah stir in her sleep, and then let out a groan. Her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Good morning my love" I smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Hm good morning" she groaned.

"Still too early?" I asked giggling.

"Hm" she closed her eyes again.

"Well is it still too early for breakfast?" I hinted.

Her eyes shot back open and looked at me. Her love for food melted my heart.

"Never" she admitted.

I stood up and grabbed her night gown that was led on the armchair of the room.

"Here, now come and eat" I tilted my head towards the kitchen.

She got up and wrapped the gown around her naked body.

"Hm did enough of that last night" the blonde walked past me and winked.

I gasped. I walked behind, following her and smacked her ass. She squealed.

Sarah grabbed the mug of coffee off the cart and brought it to her lips.

"Ahhh" she sighed in relief.

"Not the coffee the food" I pointed to the plates that were under the metal covers.

She lifted the covers of every plate and the breakfast was revealed.

"Now this is a good way to start the day" she smiled and brought all the plates out on the balcony table, which over looked the pool area. I joined her and sat next to her on the chairs.

We started to eat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying our time here until I spoke up.

"You know I got stopped in the elevators coming back up to the room" I bit into a donut.

"By who?" She stopped and looked at me.

"A bunch of teenage girls. They asked for a photo and an autograph" I half smiled because I didn't want to be stopped everywhere I went by fans.

"Were they a nice kind of fans or weird kind of fans?" The blonde next to me asked.

"They acted nice but.. I don't know I got a weird vibe off them. They told me to tell you they said hi" I chuckled.

"I'm sorry love but since you are now MY WIFE, you will get that a lot, and so will I. It's the life we signed up for" she room my hand in hers and rubbed it with her thumb.

"I guess so, but they stopped me way too early in the morning. I mean I look like death warmed up and I bet those pictures were horrid" I chuckled and so did the older woman.

"Don't say that. You're beautiful anytime of the day" she leaned in and kissed me passionately on my lips. Every time she kissed me it felt like I was in heaven. It felt truly amazing.

"Oh one more thing" I broke the kiss.

Sarah frowned. "What is it?"

I pushed some of her hair behind her ears. "I booked us a spa for the day, everything is included. The pool, the sauna, massages, face masks (not the covid ones), mud baths. Everything really" I smiled towards her and a huge toothy grin appeared on her face.

She took my head into her hands and kissed my face all over. Between kisses she muttered, "I love you", "I love you", "I love you".

She pulled away, still holding a smile and I looked deep into her eyes, my eyes were filled with admiration for her. "I love you more".

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