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Translator: Fringe Capybara
Chapter 98 -  "So why were you walking into the mountain?"

“…..” Chi Ying looked around the place. After Director Gu clearing out the area and Cheng Huan keeping the fans away… there really was nobody else around here.

She reflexively reached for her own phone with her left hand and noticed that it, too, was out of battery.

Only the tall and board old Chinese trees remained standing straight up into the air, their leaves rustling in the wind making low whimpering noises.

Ever since she was a child, Chi Ying’s grandmother had been telling her that Chinese scholar trees were ghost trees. They were yin in nature and would attract spirits. Chi Ying truly felt the forlornness and chillness around her and she reflexively retracted herself a little.

She remembered her promise of helping him out and nodded seriously. “Okay, I will bring you back out.”

“Mm, thank you,” said Lu JingYan in a deep voice, his lips finally softening some.

“But my friend left her ipad at the filming location. I need to go retrieve that first… you can wait for here.”

That was the reason she ran out by herself in the late afternoon on a windy night? Lu JingYan frowned and reminded her, “It’s about to start raining.”

Chi Ying looked up at the sky and, sure enough, the dark clouds were pressing down giving a pressed and suffocating feeling.

That being said, the large piece of dark cloud had been hovering there for the entire day and there has yet to be any rain.

She left in a hurry and didn’t even bring an umbrella with her.

But the location wasn’t too far away, she should be able to get back before it started raining.

“It’s not too far away. I should be back shortly.”

Lu JingYan nodded and said, “I’ll go with you.”

Chi Ying gave him a look. His eyes were dark and pretty and perfectly conveying his stubbornness.

She did not turn him down.

They walked around the mountainous road for a while and quickly arrived at the filming location.

The worked had done a great job cleaning up and Cheng Huan’s chair had already been taken away.

Could someone already had picked up Jiang NingNing’s ipad?

She walked over to her rest area, slightly worried.

Luckily, the white iPad was lying there quietly on a natural stone seat, covered up by some grass.

Chi Ying smiled in relief; her lips curved. She brushed off the dark and the bugs crawling over it and held it against her chest.

“That’s Jiang NingNing’s?” asked Lu JingYan.

“Yes.” Chi Ying looked up. “You knew that?”

“Yes. I read about it on Weibo.”


All of a sudden, a lighting slashed across the sky followed by a loud and deafening thunder as though it’d split the sky into two halves.

Immediately following that, bead-size rains started coming down.

Chi Ying reflexively brought the iPad closer to her chest.

Lu JingYan’s look tightened and he immediately held onto her hand and said, “Let’s go this way.”

Chi Ying was a bit dazed but the rain had already soaked through her hair and her clothes.

She stumbled a little and quickly caught up to Lu JingYan’s pace. The two of them walked toward the middle of the mountain.

Chi Ying had been filming here for three days and she didn’t know that there was a hidden cave nearby. The two of them walked inside of it shortly after.

Getting out of the pouring rain, Chi Ying let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

Rain in the mountains was always scary. It had just been a few seconds and half of her clothes were wet as was her hair and it was sticking to her face.

She glanced over at the man next to her stealthily.

His white shirt was almost transparent from the rain. The thin fabric stuck tightly to his skin and the outline of his muscle was vaguely noticeable.

His slightly curled black hair was also wet and sticking up without temper. It made him looked less fierce than he usually was.

Chi Ying turned away from him and asked, “Boss Lu, what were you doing at the tourist area? You knew that it was about to starting raining. So why were you walking into the mountain?”

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