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Translator: Fringe Capybara
Chapter 99 -  "So why were you walking into the mountain?" (2)

“What do you think?” His palm tightened a little and he answered her question with a question.

“I was lost. Been lost for three days,” said him with a chuckle.

“Bull.” Did she imagine the chuckle? Her cheeks began to blush again.

There was still a hint of scent coming from his clothes, a mixture of laundry detergent and bath soap. The smell immediately after a shower.

“Chi Ying.” Lu JingYan said all of a sudden, “As you have declined to be an employee of mine, you don’t need to address me as Boss Lu.”

Chi Ying ignored his comment and carefully pulled her hand out of his.

Lu JingYan held on tighter and refused to let go, “Are you afraid of the darkness?”

“No.” Chi Ying shook her head.

Lu JingYan looked at the deeper part of the cave and said, “Then let’s go through there.”

“What’s on the other side.”

“You will see.”

Chi Ying was a little surprised but it was obvious that the rain was only getting heavier and showed no sign that it would let up anytime soon.

She remembered what she saw from the place she was staying at… the mountain from a distant looked like a giant monster lurking in the dark.

A tall mountain in the middle of the night always brought about an unspeakable fear.

Without any rain gear, who knew how long they’d have to wait for the rain to subside.

Somewhere down the line, Chi Ying had let up her guard and agreed. “Alright.”

The cave was very wide but pitch black. As it was gloomy with no sun, the deeper part was even darker.

There was scent of animals’ excretion mixed in with the humid air on a rainy day.

Above their heard was the fluttering of bats’ wings.

It felt like some kind of monster would leap out in front of them the very next minute.

Chi Ying’s heart tightened. She had just said that she was not afraid of the dark but her palm had began sweating reflexively.

Her knees got weak and her steps unstable.

Luckily Lu JingYan was walking steadily. His wide palm was getting moist from holding hers. She could only let him hold her hand and keep talking deeper into the cave.

Not too long later, there was a hint of light in front of them. It was a very faint light if they were outside, but as their eyes had already gotten used to the darkness, this light became very bright to them.

The moment that they have stepped out of the cave, the area opened up all of a sudden. Chi Ying was stunned beyond words.

Standing at the exit of the cave, she could see a large, open area in the middle of the mountain. The rain made everything look blurry and white but she could still see clearly that there was a luxurious helicopter parked on the platform.

The body of the plane was a beautiful hunter green. If it was under the sun, it would glisten dazzling colors. Yet, right now, the propeller laid quietly in the heavy rain and exuded a solemn and noble temperament.

When Chi Ying was dazed, Lu JingYan let go of her hand and said to her, “Wait for me here.”

Before he even finished saying that, he walked straight into the pouring rain.

Almost immediately, the man was drenched by the hustling and bustling rain right away. All of his clothes clung to his body and his dress pants accentuated his long and straight legs. Anyone would look disheveled like that but that did not reduce his nobility and pride by a bit.

Chi Ying curled up her stiff fingers. She felt very surreal at that very moment.

Within her sight, Lu JingYan quickly walked inside of the helicopter. When he returned, he had a large, black umbrella in his hand.

His back was straight and there were sparks in his eyes.

Chi Ying gave him a look after he had walked back to her. Her lips parted slightly but she finally didn’t say a word.

Lu JingYan saw every expression on her. He said in a deep voice, “Let’s go wait out the rain inside.”

Chi Ying nodded.

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