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Chi Ying didn't mix her mouth, she fell asleep leaning against the bathtub. She was so tired that she thought she would have no dreams all night, but she did not expect that there would be tenderness in the dream.

When she woke up in the morning, she had been changed into clean clothes, trapped in a soft quilt, and her body was completely softened into a pool of water.

In front of him, Lu Jingyan's perfect collarbone and texture were close at hand, as if exuding a stronger male charm than in the past. This reminded her of the last night and the scenes in her dreams, her face flushed, and she had a strong sense of unreality.

Chi Ying was a little eager and a bit ashamed when she thought about it.

Lu Jingyan slept very lightly at this moment, half asleep and half awake, his neck was covered with warm and soft breath, which made his throat knot tremble. After a moment, he opened his sleepy eyes.

Since knowing that the content of the dream is actually what happened, Shen Jin's convenience is no longer useful. Calculating carefully, he has been sleeping uneasily for a long time. Now, his girl politely digs into his arms, the dark black hair diverges on the shoulders, every skin is fair and seductive, and he inadvertently returns with his heart to tenderness.

"Wake up?" Lu Jingyan murmured inadvertently, and Chi Ying kissed in the hazy consciousness again.

"Should be." Chi Ying looked at Lu Jingyan's magnificent handsome face stupidly, but it became sober that he had accumulated, as if kissed again. I have to say that Lu Jingyan is still very delicious. After the end, she feels comfortable even on her toes, lazily nestled in the quilt, her white face fainted into pink, revealing a unique charm.

"Why should there be any more? When you are tired, sleep for a while." Lu Jingyan helped her get rid of the horns, staying on her for a while, then slowly moved away, then got up.

Chi Ying's mind was full of Lu Jingyan's promise to take a good rest, thinking that he was going to work, and grabbed the corner of the clothes alertly: "Where are you going?"

Lu Jingyan gently held her hand: "Chengcheng is going to school."

Chi Ying immediately blinked up from the bed, who gave her the illusion of this weekend?


In such good weather, Chi Cheng woke up earliest.

The clear sunlight falls on the French dining table, and it looks elegant and romantic.

Chi Cheng was sitting at the dinner table, with breadcrumbs remaining in the corners of his mouth. Seeing my parents coming, my legs were shaking, my face was gloating: "Daddy, you're done."

"Huh?" Lu Jingyan sorted his neckline slowly and sat down opposite Chi Cheng.

Chi Cheng shook his leg again: "Your dad may have to spank you." He didn't know the reason why Grandpa was angry, but he seemed to be able to revenge on Dad's spanking.

Lu Jingyan said with a hand: "Yes, how do you know?"

Chi Cheng ignored his question directly, and patted the seat next to him, and said to Chi Ying: "Come, mother sits with me, my father is in danger."

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