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Translator: Fringe Capybara
Chapter 118 - "Are you going to Tianyi for Xiao Hang?" (3)

The minute that she disappeared from his sight, a light went off on his cellphone.

Lu JingYan picked up his phonephone up.

A warm orange profile picture appeared on the top of the list. He felt his breath stopped for a second.

“You have already added Chi Ying. You can now chat with her.”

Moving his finger over the screen, Lu JingYan sent athe message: “Be safe.”

She responded quickly, “Take care of yourself.”

Lu JingYan’s lips curved a little. “Stop looking at your cellphone now.”


When Chi Ying arrived home,. Tthe sun was hanging on the west side of the sky.

The entire small distriact was basked in the remnant of the orange-reddish color and gavegiving it a warm hue.

Chi Cheng, who was sitting on a stool inside the backyard, was flippinged through athe children’s book in his book seriously.

The pinyin and sentences still looked odd and difficult to him but the colors in the picture book drew all of his attention.

Chi Cheng stared at the picture book with his perplexed eyes intensely until he heard the sound of Uncle Butler talking with Chi Ying.

Mommy’s home!

Chi Cheng bounced up from where he sat, carefully folded it,the book and placed it on top of the stool.

He then walked towards the door with great effort.

Mixing in with a kid’s almost inaudible footsteps wereas Chi Cheng’s several very loud and excited shouts, “Mommy!”. Even the air vibrated with warmth and joy.

Chi Ying straightened out the hem of her skirt, squatted down, and flung open her arms.

She had on a tan-colored shades when she left which covered the majority of her face.

Chi Cheng threw himself into her arms and rubbed his face all over her’s forcefully. “Mommy, you look so handsome!”

Chi Ying couldn't help but chuckled., “Handsome?”

Chi Cheng nodded., “Uh-huh.”

On the flashcards for vocabulary in the kindergarten, it was a man with a pair of shades associated with the word “handsome”. In Chi Cheng’s mid, Chi Ying looked just like him. Waving his arms around, he said, “I want to be handsome too!”

Chi Ying knew what Chi Cheng meant by that. She took off her shades and put it on him. As much as he still hadhaving some baby fat on his cheeks, he was still too young to keep the pair of shades on his face.

Chi Ying, too, worried that it would fall off. She held onto the shades with one hand and, using her other, pulledpull out her makeup mirror.

With the shades on, everything was already dimmer than they already were and looked different than the world that he was familiar with. In the tan shade, it looked like the little kid in the mirror had his entire face covered by the dark lens.

It looked so comical that Chi Cheng started giggling.

Chi Ying only noticed after she had taken the shades off that Chi Cheng’s white arms had already been bitten all over by mosquitos.

She turned and looked and saw the little stool sitting in the middle of the yard and the children’s story book sitting on top of it.

The plants in the yard were well taken care of and were green and lush. As the weather became hotter, the air became more humid and along with it came a lot of mosquitos. Anyone who stayed there for 5 ~ 10 minutes would be bitten all over, let alone Chi Cheng with his tender skin.

Chi Ying frowned slightly with her heart aching. “Why were you sitting there? There are lots of mosquitos here that will bite you.”

Chi Cheng didn’t seem to care at all. He smiled with his mouth cracked open. His voice was soft, milky, and childish when he said,. “I am here waiting for you, Mommy.”

Behind the shades, only his curved pink lips and his two rows of white and glowing baby teeth could be seen on his face with his baby fat. He was adorable beyond words.

Chi Ying couldn’t help but chucklechuckled. Worried that the shades would hurt him, she put them away and walked inside the house while holding Chi Cheng’s hand in  her hand to put some medicinal ointment on him.

The little kid’s skin was soft and tender and the swelling very obvious after being bitten by mosquitos. That did not seem to bother Chi Cheng at all. The ointment smelled good and he even sniffed his own arm and commented on how good it smelled.

While he was sniffing, Chi Cheng suddenly feltfeel that the scent was very familiar. He seemed to have smelled it before at YueYue’s place.

Looking up at Chi Ying, he asked, “Mommy, tomorrow is the weekend and I have no class. Can Mommy take me out tonight?”

“Sure,” said Chi Ying with a smile. “Where would you like to go?”

“I want to go over to YueYue’s with Mommy.”

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