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Translator: Fringe Capybara
Editor: Juno
Chapter 113 -  He had no intention of appearing fragile or disheveled in front of her. (1)

He once again reached out to his mother’s large hand with his small ones and took her to the front of the drawer of the craft table.

He had placed all of his drawings inside of this drawer.

It was his most treasured drawer.

He had been waiting for his mother’s return so he could give them to her all at once.

Chi Cheng pulled open the drawer forcefully and reached his hands inside of it.

His little body almost went all the way inside of the drawer.

When Chi Cheng regained his balance, he already had several pieces of drawing papers in his hands.

Chi Ying smiled and said in surprise, “This many?”

“Mhmm,” said Chi Cheng as he handed them all over to Chi Ying.

What Chi Cheng didn’t notice was that the half a page of cover torn off from the magazine got mixed into the stack of drawings that he had just handed over to Chi Ying.

Chi Ying flipped through his drawings and her lips curved upward.

Suddenly, a corner of the cover could be seen.

Chi Cheng’s little face blushed and he pulled it out of Chi Ying’s hands gently and shoved it inside his shirt.

“I forgot to remove this,” he muttered.

Chi Ying lifted her brows in surprise, “You treasure it that much, ChengCheng?”

Chi Cheng nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Only half of the man’s face on the cover was left but his cold temperament and handsome face could still be seen through the paper.

It was very different from the face that she saw that one night and day.


After a relaxing afternoon, Chi Cheng was brought over to the kindergarten.

Chi Ying applied some light makeup, put on her face mask, and arrived at the location where she was meeting up with Chen Jin.

The bespectacled man in front of her looked very serious.

The two of them shook hands politely and picked a corner inside the tea shop to sit.

Chen Jin studied Chi Ying quickly. She had limpid eyes, jade-like skin, and her manners were elegant and her body attractive.

Chen Jin couldn’t help but marvel to himself. It wasn’t often that he saw a woman as attractive as she was. Her beauty came from within, like poppies blooming at night.

No wonder Lu JingYan couldn’t contain himself.

Except that she had neither obvious scars nor any obvious handicaps…

It did not look like she had been in a major car accident before.

Chen Jin pushed his spectacles up a little and greeted her politely, “Miss Chi Ying.”

Chi Ying nodded slightly, “Doctor Chen.”

A server brought over the tea menu for them.

Chen Jin flipped through it and ordered some sort of tea that sounded very healthy.

Chi Ying was the first who spoke, “Did Boss Lu have you tell me to go take care of him? You didn’t need to do this. You could have just told me over the phone. I am very much responsible for him getting sick this time.”

Chen Jin shook his head and said, “No, Lu JingYan didn’t send me. I came in my own accord.”

“Does this have to do with his dreams?”

Chen Jin paused a little. “You know about that?”

“No. I am just guessing.”

Chi Ying figured that if Chen Jin’s personal doctor asked her to meet up with him, this must have a lot to do with Lu JingYan’s current health condition.

If it wasn’t the fever… then it very well might have something to do with his nightmares.

When Lu JingYan ran into her in the mountain, his lips were pale and he was covered in cold sweat. Very much like how he was when he was having his nightmare.

Chi Ying asked with the most sincerity, “Can you tell me what you know?”

Chen Jin replied with difficulty, “Pardon me, but Lu JingYan won’t let me share that with you.”

Chi Ying’s heart dropped a little.

“But I do have a few personal questions for you. You don’t have to answer if you find them offensive,” said Chen Jin.

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