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Translator: Fringe Capybara
Editor: Juno
Chapter 114 -He had no intention of appearing fragile or disheveled in front of her. (2)

Chi Ying, suppressing her complicated emotions, said seriously, “Please ask.”

Chen Jin paused for a little and started tentatively, “Have you been through any sort of disaster or accident?”

Chi Ying frowned slightly, “Disaster or accident?”

So Lu JingYan was dreaming about… her being in a disaster or accident?

She suddenly recalled her future fate.

She looked at Chen Jin deeply, “You mean, like a car accident?”

Chen Jin looked startled. He pushed his glasses up a little again. “You have been involved in one before?”

Chi Ying nodded without hesitation. “Yes, I have.”

The relief in Chen Jin’s eyes fleeted but that did not escape Chi Ying. She said right away, “So Lu JingYan’s nightmare is me being involved in a car accident?”

Chen Jin, “……” Did he slip? Why did Chi Ying seem more knowledgeable on this than he did?

“I guessed it myself. You didn’t say anything.” Chi Ying smiled. “Don’t worry. You did not break your promise to Lu JingYan.”

Chen Jin let out a little sigh. “Lu JingYan’s nightmare affect him a lot. It is affecting not only his mental wellness, but also his physical wellness. I trust that you have seen it with your own eyes as well.”

Chi Ying’s heart grew heavier when Dr. Chen confirmed her suspicion.

Lu JingYan was dreaming about her car accident.

But that was her future. Was he having premonition dreams? Then did he… also dream about Chi Cheng?

Lu JingYan was worried. Did that mean subjectively he did not want anything bad happening to her?

“I know what I am about to say is both presumptuous and abrupt but… Lu JingYan cares about you a lot. I hope that Miss Chi can assist him in resolving his psychological issue.”

Chi Ying looked at her watch. She had time before Chi Cheng got out of school. “Dr. Chen, I’d like to visit him.”


Music could be heard coming from the kindergarten. A class was just let out from their music lesson and kids walked out of the classroom one after another, chasing and running behind each other toward the gaming equipment on the playground.

Chi Cheng, too, hurried with everybody else. A hint of pink on his milky-cheeks betrayed his excitement.

Until he was dragged back by a force.

YueYue’s innocent and pure voice rang softly next to him, “ChengCheng, will you come to my place after school today?”

Chi Cheng turned and looked at her with a frown.

He had already been to YueYue’s place three times this week.

Once was her birthday. Another time to give her a belated birthday present. And yet another time, it was because YueYue said she wanted him to play with her.

As the youngest girl in the class, YueYue was a bit on the small and weak side. But she has a healthy glow on her with red lips and white teeth. She wasn’t very tall, probably because of her genetics.

Jing Zheng figured that most residents inside the mansion district were wealthy people so she didn’t interfere with their friendship. Chi Cheng was Chi Ying’s only child and had always been by himself. Having friends was important for him. As such, Jing Zheng would usually drop Chi Cheng off at YueYue’s place and pick him up when it was time for him to go home.

YueYue’s place was large and pretty. Inside her pink room there were rows of stuffed animals and melodious windchimes. Chi Cheng didn’t care much about these, but they were aesthetically pleasant.

YueYue had a mellow personality and hence was always the one being bullied at the kindergarten. Chi Cheng, on the other hand, didn’t mind spending time with her.

Today was not the same as any other days though. His mommy was back from filming. He must go home right away so she wouldn’t get worried.

Chi Cheng knew that if he turned her down, YueYue would be disappointed. But he wanted to disappoint his mother even less. He finally shook his head and said, “I can’t today. My mom is back.”

There was a strong sense of disappointment on YueYue’s face. She pursed her lips and said, “Oh, alright.”

Chi Cheng was torn as well. He said to her, “I can bring my mom with me.”

That didn’t bother YueYue. She nodded and said, “Okay!”

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