Love. ⚡❤️

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I didn't know what to do I just felt so overwhelmed that I needed to leave fuck I probably hurt his feelings I felt tears run down slowly gripping the wheel tightly I got back to my house opening the door hearing jambo meow constantly. But I wanted to go to sleep just for the feelings to go away. I gripped my pillow jambo jumping onto the bed with me just purring I smiled slightly just slowly, drifting off to sleep..


I woke up again thinking of the situation agian I didn't know. what did you expect obviously he didn't like you he never did you'll always be just a single fucking bastard. "shut up.."  whatever. I felt weak tired humiliated I just closed my eyes again sleeping again not having energy to do anything else.

It's been a couple of days since that I mostly stayed in my bed but why am I making such a big deal of this did I really love him that much? I felt my stomach grumble I haven't ate anything all day schlatt haven't texted either making my thoughts worsen I didn't want sleep anymore so I might aswell just go out so I got dressed and did everything I needed to so I didn't look like a mess. I went to a coffee shop just trying to get up atleast I drank my coffee while on my phone getting rid of my thoughts till I saw a tweet from schlatt just saying something taking a photo with his cat I felt myself get sad but quickly scrolled past. Time passed and went back home first thing I've done was look into the mirror seeing my eyes still slightly red due to all the crying. I want to talk to him but I can't. I sat on floor just wanting to go to sleep.


I chewed my lip as I hover over the sent button I felt bad and it's not that I don't like I do hes really fucking nice I just got overwhelmed and felt uncomfortable getting told that someone loves you. I sent the text closing my phone laying it down on my chest.
I waited not getting an answer making me sweat knowing i fucked up i shut my eyes tightly hoping i’d get a response maybe i should visit him just to see him again and apologies i took a
deep breath feeling a very calming presence around me i have to i have to see him again.
I grabbed my keys saying bye to jambo and left for my car. As I got into my car I got a pair of flowers on the way to at least make it up for him. I got to his house and knocked on his door. No response . I knocked on his door again with no response . I felt a panic rise up in me, feeling a buzz from my pocket. I grabbed my phone and saw a text message.

W 2:32pm

Go away.

S 2:32

No wait please just answer the door i need to talk with you

W 2:33

I'd rather not speak to you so can you just please just leave me alone.

S 2:33

Please just open the door. I just want to talk with you.

Two minutes go by, then four minutes go by then five.. Fuck-  i walk around his house looking for a way in i see a room window is open such a cheesy love story eugh- there was a tree right there next to the room its a risk i would take especially for right now.

(Schlatt gets in but quickly getting caught so Wilbur gives up and decides to listen to him as the two sat in silence for a bit till schlatt spoke up)


"Listen I'm sorry for how I reacted I never meant it in that way trust me I really also love you I just didn't know how to react." Schlatt states Wilbur just hummed schlatt looking up seeing Wilbur expressionless face. It made him feel more guilty. "I just got so overwhelmed feeling pressure build up in me I panicked I never expected such love." "I'm sorry." Schlatt said "I accept your apology." Wilbur said his voice sounding more scratchy than before "tho I'm still quite upset." "I'll do anything to make that up just please." Schlatt grabbed Wilbur's hands "Anything to make you not hate me atleast-" schlatt was caught off by a pair of lips connecting with his. "You owe me a date." Schlatt let out a relief sigh lying his head against Wilbur's arm  gripping the others hands tightly as it was going to snap letting him plummet to his death. "I promise you I'll do anything."

"God I love you." Schlatt said feeling butterflies in his stomach as Wilbur said the same thing "I love you as well."

Who knew friendships can become it more involving Love? How cliche, like every highschool story but at least they know what they Love and that's each other.

852 words

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