just a drink🍄

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Johnathan and William go to a party. William deciding to just have a drink just one but did he really just drink one?
Also schlatt with glasses ☺️☺️☺️

Also there is light SA in this so just a warning.


I walked up to Johnathan to see him on his phone I tapped his shoulder "yea will?" "Uh I saw a piece of paper on the floor in your room." I showed him the paper he grabbed his glasses and began to read what it was. It said it was an invitation for a party hosted by Alex. "Oh it's just a silly party.." he smiled handed me the paper back "But it's an invitation?" He looked at me "we can go if you want." He said looking back at his phone. I felt my body light up I never went to a party before so what did I have to lose? "C-can we?" He looked up at me "you wanna go?" I nodded he shrugged "yea sure we can go he smiled "oh but when is the party?" He asked "tue-tuesday on the 24th." I said he looked at his phone "that's today?!" He exclaimed I nodded. He looked up at me and smiled "we can go but I just have to warn you Alex is rowdy person." I nodded as he continued to explain what type of person Alex was. "Well we don't have much time so how about we get ready, yea?" I nodded he kissed me and he went to go change I stood there I'll never get used to him giving me a kiss.

The two of us got dressed his wearing a black jacket along with a coffee colored shirt. I wore a grey-greenish sweater with a black sleeves. I rambled on then He grabbed my hand fixing my hair "Johnathan I told you my hair is fi-" he cut me off with a kiss "you talk to much~" he smiled at me I crossed my arms "you could've told me then-" he laughed lightly "well that would've been no fun-" I huffed punching his arm slightly "okay okay I'll stop!" He laughed he grabbed my hand "let's go now!" He pulled me making me tumble. We walked to the house each breath we took a white breath left Johnathan clutching his jacket "f-fuckin hell  it's cold.." he shuttered I nodded I hugged him holding him for a bit he looked at me "thought this would help.." I muttered he chuckled "stupid" I huffed he laughed again "I'm kidding I'm kidding!" .

Once we reached the house Johnathan knocked on the door Alex Opened the door "oh hey! I didn't expect for you to bring William?!" He said leaning against the door "uh yea brought him thought he might wanna join." Alex hummed and opened the door even more "we'll come in!" We both entered in loud music playing wasted people doing who knows what. I felt very crowded but I was glad knowing Johnathon was here with me. After a bit everyone was basically passed out on the floor, couch, everywhere! I was next to Johnathan who was talking to Alex but soon someone came up to me "hey!" I looked at them a blonde haired man waving his hand Infront of me "you sober?" I nodded he almost immediately started to laugh "why?!" He asked me trying to calm down "w-well I don't quite enjoy the idea of getting drunk.." he rolled his eyes "c'mon man nothing is going to happen to you!" He grabbed a drink from the table "atleast one okay?" He shoved the bottle in my chest I looked at him just one. I took a sip Infront of him I spat it out immediately he frowned "i- don't think I should-" the other shoved the drink in my mouth forcing me to drink the bitter liquid I sallowed coughing harshly "*cough* what is wrong with you!" I gasped the other smiled he handed me another drink "just one more?" I shook my head "N-no! "He frowned again opening the drink and lifted the drink up to my mouth I moved away grabbing the drink "just drink it's not that hard :)" I be took a sip and it wasn't that bad I took another, another, even more. I set the glass down coughing he pated my back "look at you man a proper drinker, eh?" He smiled a smile that would haunt me. Terrifying truly. But soon 2 turned into 3 then 4. I gripped the table my head fuzzy everything around me blurry I only heard I felt myself get pulled backwards stumbling hearing yelling I saw the blonde boy laughing aswell yelling then Alex came in trying to calm the other I supposed I got grabbed by Johnathan my head pounded I mumbled laying in the others arms. "Will? Yo- aw-?" The others voice cut off multiple times I mumbled letting my eyes close.


I spent most of my time chatting with Alex till I heard the sounds of will sounds that no one heard but I. I turned around seeing bottles next to will and clay? I realized what's been happening clay is touching my man?! I rushed towards clay yelling at him pulling will towards me. "The fuck is wrong with you?!" "What it's not my fault his drunk ass wants me!~" I hold will close to me feeling him lay in my arms. We continued to argue Alex trying to calm us down I yelled one last sentence then leaving once I got outside I check on will seeing his eyes closed "will? you awake?" He mumbled I carried him the whole way back home.

I sat the other down on the couch grabbing a glass fro the other I saw Wil walk up to me kissing the back of my neck "eh, will?!" I set the glass down feeling the others hands travel down my body I shivered biting my lip "w-will you're drunk!-" he mumbled against my ear "y-youR pRetty~" I blushed he continued to run his hands all over my body I moaned softly gripping the counter feeling him began to kiss my neck or try to atleast "mhm..w-will!" I pulled the other off hearing him whine I set him down near a chair I grabbed the glass putting it right against his lip "I need you to drink this.." he smiled and drank the glass of water licking his lips. He looked at me "mmm..want kisss~" I blushed at the other I kissed him and he pulled me closer making tumble right on him. "Ack- will!" I got back up and so did Will he kissed me again only more then just a quick pec oh no it lasted seconds. He grabbed the back of my head kissing me deeply.

I pulled back holding wills shoulders he whined "I think you need to sleep.." I mumbled I led him to our room setting him underneath the covers I was about to leave till I heard him whine "n-not- with mee?" I blushed "do you want me to?" He tilted his head "eh?" I chuckled getting underneath the covers with him. He smiled immediately cuddling against me I fell asleep and believe he did aswell. In the morning I sat up seeing will not in the bed with me that's when I heard gaging noises along with coughing I walked over to the bathroom knocking on the door "will you alright?" "G-give me a second..I heard the toilet flush then the door opened seeing the other wipe his mouth with a tissue. "Never drinking again.." he sighed I smiled "I mean you can just don't let anyone force you, yea?" He looked at me "what do you mean?" I looked at him "Clay uh..you know what I'll tell you later okay?" He nodded.

Never ever am I letting him drink by himself with that prick.

1344 words

[Not one of good parts of this book :p]

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