Coffee 🍄

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I was walking through a cafe where I had a little gig at but arrived a little early, so I help myself out with a cup of coffee. I walked up to the cashier who was one I saw alot while coming here "hi quackity!" "Hey Wilbur" he said  I smiled as I saw my friend start complain about his job as usual. I saw someone new in the corner of my eye seeing the man say towards quackity "serve him his coffee instead of chatting quackity you're still in the job!" He rolled his eyes "yea yea whatever schlatt!" He asked me what I what and said what I usually get he nodded and started to make it. I sat down at the stage there was watching as my time got closer.


I saw the man quackity was talking to sit on the stage a guitar laying down besides him. "Hey quackity who's he?" "Oh that's my friend Wilbur!" I nodded "he does music?" "Well what does it look like?! Obviously he does he does gigs every now and then." I hummed continue to look at him he made a taunting sound "oOoOoO looks like someone has a crushh~" I snapped my head back at him "what the hell- no!" He handed me a cup with Wilbur's name on it "go talk to him you might get something out of it~" I rolled my eyes grabbing the cup and walking over the stage where Wilbur was at.

"Sir, here's your drink." I said holding the cup in my hand he looked up from tuning his guitar he grabbed the cup and then took his wallet out and gave me a tip? "A tip for your service~" he smiled at me I nodded as I was about to leave I decided to talk to him. "Uhm sorry to bother again but are you playing here?" He eyes looked back at me and he smiled "uh yeah I'm playing one of the songs I wrote "oh uh nice." He looked at my apron he spoke up "what's the book?" I hummed in confusion till he pointed at my pocket "oh! I uh write I guess." I said looking away "what do ya write?" "Just story's or music lines I guess." "Oh so you wanna start doing music?" "No, no I just hope someone wants to use my lyrics of sorts." He hummed "well anyway I  better get going back so Uhm it's nice to meet you." I turned around till "h-hey wait!" I froze and turned around "yea?" "C-can I have uhm.. your number?" He looked at me his face slightly pink I felt my face heat up "uh if you want to that is I just want to know you better atleast you seem like nice guy.." I smiled and nodded opening my book to an empty page wrote my number and gave it to him. He smiled and thanked me I nodded and went back to work.

As I walked back to cash register quackity had a smirk on his face "I told you you'd get something at of it~" I rolled my eyes "so how is what do you think of him?!" Quackity asked grabbing my shoulders "ack- i- he's fine..I guess.." I said looking at the floor "oh come on I know you have a crush on him!" "Shut up! You're talking way to loud!" I said pushing him off he giggled going back to asking customer. I went into the back grabbing supplies as he was fine.. but something about him seemed soft or romantic in a way.  Do I like this guy?  I questioned myself but soon ignored it.

As I got off my shift I saw Wilbur play to an audience I stood there holding my apron hearing Wilbur sing and strum his guitar softly. At the end of the song he looked at me and his eyes lit almost. He told everyone one to have a good night and started to pack people soon started to leave aswell as I. So I walked away blushing realizing he looked at me while playing I then heard a voice behind me seeing Wilbur with guitar jogging towards me. "H-hi I uh saw you when I was playing and I wanted to see if you wouldn't mind if I walked with you?" I blushed not having enough time to process what he said so I just agreed he smiled and thanked me I also realized he's British not that's it's bad just noticed just now. "Uhm I never got your name?" He said I looked at him "it's schlatt." He smiled "I like schlatt sounds nice." I smiled to myself as he said that. We started to talk alot about music or writing or just our lives in general.

"So what about your family?" "I have a younger brother who lives with me." "Oh nice and your parents?" "Idk they left awhile ago saying they'd be back, but..that's been a year now." I hung my head low looking at the concrete. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that-" "oh don't be they were shit anyway." His eyes widen. I saw my house up ahead so I spoke up "my house is up ahead you could leave if you want." "Oh uh okay! Well if was nice meeting you schlatt!" He said his smile brighter than the sun. I nodded smiling back at him *it was nice to meet you aswell" he waved his hand goodbye and walked away. I turned around I continued to walk to the steps. I got up the steps unlocking my door entering the warm temperature it was a great relief as outside was cold as balls- I closed the door and locked it immediately heading to the kitchen and cooking myself a meal before bed jambo my cat who's meowing at me as usual. After I ate I took out my book sitting down on my bed continuing to write about characters I've made up but then my phone pinged I grabbed it seeing an unknown number .

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