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Hey before I start this I just want to say they're mentions of SA so just wanted to put that out there if you are sensitive to that topic.
Otherwise enjoy.


I was in my phone my boyfriend next to me sleeping on my lap it's been a hard day for him. His job having him work late making him get little time to rest. I ran my fingers through his hair hearing hum softly I smiled at the figure as he continued to wrap his arms around me. I looked at my phone seeing a notification pop up from Jared. Yes I know why do I have him in contact it's cause we are 'friends' now tho he's been recently hitting on schlatt which pisses me off. Anyway, the notification was saying how he was having a party and that everyone-by everyone I mean his friends-were invited. And I was on his friends list meaning I was invited aswell was schlatt. Great. I felt schlatt shuffle slowly getting up "ugh- what t-time is it?" Schlatt asked his words slurred as he rubbed his eyes. "It's 6:49pm" I said reading the clock on my phone he hummed his hair was everywhere him wearing my clothes that were slightly bigger for him. "I'm hungry-" schlatt muttered I smiled "do you want me to make something?" He nodded "yes please." He said his eyes opening slightly. I got up removing schlatt from my lap placing him on the bed as I walked to the kitchen to make something for him. We didn't have much as we forgot to get groceries one day so we're not really stocked up but we had stuff to eat atleast. I grabbed eggs seeing schlatt sleepy walk towards wrapping his arms around my waist I wanted to see if he wanted to go to the party that was happening that is if he was interested "Uhm Jared hosting a party and we are invited. Do you wanna go?" I asked I felt his arms wrap tighter around making me wheeze slightly I heard him hum and returned to just holding my waist. "Sure I guess?" "Alright cool all make sure to remember" I said as I pour the scrambled eggs into a plate. I could feel his breathing right in my neck making me feel paranoid as if he was going to do something. I gave the plate to him which he happily walked over to our living room and set the plate on the coffee table and grabbed the remote he started clicking random things seeing as he ate the eggs while watching something.

(Time skip to the party)


I grabbed a thin jacket from my closet and putting in around me seeing Wilbur put on a sweater. We were getting ready but outside was cold so we had to put warm clothes on so we don't freeze. Wilbur wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck not trying to leave any marks. "You ready to go?" He asked I nodded fixing on my shoes. He grabbed my hand and we walked over to Jared's house.

As we walked we were oddly silent it was very quiet tho I guess we didn't have anything to say besides enjoy the cold weather. As we got closer to Jared's house a raccoon was in a bin then watched us down as we walked pass. Weird fucking thing. We got to the door of the house Wilbur knocking seeing Jared open the door "oh hey you guys are here!" "Yup." Wilbur said almost sarcastically. Jared allowed us in we stuck by each other's side till Wilbur said he was going to talk to some of his friends I nodded I mean what could go wrong. I got a drink and hanged out in a corner getting slight buzz In me but not fully drunk, but soon that happened either way I was tripping my way trying to find Wilbur my head swirled I felt sick till I felt a pair of hands pull me into a room.


I looked around trying to find schlatt I tried texting him, calling him nothing. He wasn't answering me back I grew worried thinking about the worst stuff that may have happened did he get kidnapped? Did he leave? Where was he? I walked down the halls as the music died down as I went deeper into the halls. I heard a sobbing noise making me turn my head schlatt? It was coming from the room to my right I carefully opened it seeing what was happening in front of me. Horror absolute horror.

⚠️⚠️SA is mentioned please skip ahead if you are sensitive to this topic.⚠️⚠️


Jared had pull me into a room pushing me against a wall his breath smelling like alcohol. I felt a pair of lips connect with mine I immediately tried to push him off but couldn't he stronger than I. I didn't want this. This was wrong. I have a boyfriend who loves me. I managed to pull back but he huffed at me and grabbed my neck biting it I whimpered feeling sicker I tried to pushed him off but his hands slowly started to travel down my pants I squirmed trying to remove his hands "stop moving you fucking slut." I cried I didn't like I didn't want this, it felt wrong it was wrong. I felt his hand go under my underwear pulling them off I cried scratching him doing anything. Anything to get him away, but I couldn't. I felt him start to jerk me off I felt pleasure rush up me making upset I didn't enjoy this but I couldn't handle my body I could handle how it felt. "P-please stOp!-" I said trying to grab his hands but he only jerked me off faster I cried loudly pleading him to stop but he didn't, it only grew worst, "I bet Wilbur doesn't care for you hm? Just letting you wander like this vurable." He said his voice harsh I sobbed as I felt guilty, sick did Wilbur really not care for me? That's when the door swung open it was Wilbur I cried for Wilbur running toward me pushing Jared off. I grabbed his arm whimpering, crying as I felt violated I felt gross. Wilbur yelled, kicked, and punched Jared. Jared apologized his face bloody slightly bruises forming on his legs Jared then passed out. Wilbur turned around wrapping his arms around he pulled my pants back on aswell my underwear he then picked me up and we left.


I stood in horror seeing schlatt crying against the wall seeing Jared jerk him off. I felt rage fill me as I ran up to his pushed him "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I said punching his the face him quickly getting a bloody nose he squirmed away I kicked him "YOU BITCH NEVER EVER FUCKING TOUCH HIM AGAIN!" I yelled and yelled my voice going out slightly. I did anything anything till he passed out.

⚠️SA ends here

I clenched schlatt's hand I put on his clothes again his face stained with tears "I'm s-sorry I'm sorry p-please it was hi-" schlatt tried explaining what happened I cupped his face "it's fine it's fine I believe you let's just go home." He nodded I picked him up going through the crowd of people as I did I set him in the passenger seat. I started to drive hearing him let out quick breathes and let out a quiet sob. God I wished I was there sooner I wished I just wished I was there with him the entire time it was my fault I left him alone just to talk to some friends. As we got home I helped schlatt take a shower but he only cried when I rubbed his body with soap I told him we could just got to bed he nodded.

As we laid down on our bed schlatt faces away from me but I wrapped my arms around him which he accepted. "Schlatt?" He hummed "I'll never let this happen to you ever again. I'm sorry I should've just stayed with you instead of leaving you." He turned around and hugged me I heard him mutter a soft "thank you"

Fuck Jared.

1406 words

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