Hanahaki disease⚡❤️

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Hey the layout for my writing might change from time to time so ye
tw- blood -obviously- let me know if any others!


Wilbur and schlatt we're good friends but Wilbur didn't know that schlatt had Hanahaki disease which means whoever the victim is they are dealing with unrequited love or one-sided love and coughs up flowers a flower plant growing inside the others lungs and is only is fixed if the one they like likes them back romantically but if not would need to be surgically.


I was changing as I was getting ready to hang out with Wilbur I fixed on my hat realizing I need my phone seeing it was on my bed I quickly grabbed it seeing blood stained sheets. I felt sick even seeing blood I took a deep breath I don't need this to be on my mind right now. My phone beeped a text message from will stating he's here I smiled to myself and left my house.


As I walked with schlatt he seemed oddly quiet and really fidgety and had to go to the restroom multiple times but hey who am I to judge tho I am slightly concern as each time he comes out of the restroom dried blood is seen on his chin and he's been coughing harshly. Maybe I'm overreacting and it's nothing just a burn? sore throat? Who knows.


I continued to feel a scratch In my throat I panicked we were nowhere near a public building I coughed the scratching became worse I covered my mouth and felt blood flow out of my mouth Wilbur looked at me "woah what the you alright?! You're bleeding!" He came over to me "N-no will.." I covered my mouth coughing my guts out  coughing out deep crimson rose petals I removed my hand blood and the petals falling from my mouth and my hand I saw Wilbur's eyes widen with disgust "What the fuck?!" He stepped back "The fuck is that?!" "W-will listen-" I wiped my face with my sleeve. "No What the hell is that!" He pointed at the petals  "i-" "what the fuck is wrong with you?!"  I felt humiliated and scared I felt tears run down my face. I turned around and ran I didn't care where I was going I wanted to leave.


I saw the others face coated with a thin layer of tears fuck. He ran off "w-wait schlatt!" I fucked up I ran after him but he was to quick so I soon last where he went. I was walking past buildings after buildings hearing someone sobbing I looked to my right to schlatt sobbing near a dumpster. Schlatt. I ran after him "schlatt! I was so worried about you!" He looked up at me he looked terrified "p-please leave will." I crouched down to him I cupped his face blood all over his mouth "let's go to your place and then we can talk yea?" He nodded.

Before wilbur


I ran and ran I felt my throat bubble burning. I went into an alley near a dumpster and threw up yellow carnation petals. I clutched my stomach I cried Wilbur must think I'm a monster! I felt so tired drained from all the running till I heard a familiar voice "Schlatt! I was so worried about you!" He bent down cupping my face he stared in my eyes "let's go back to your place and talk yea?" I nodded. We walked back to my home I opened the door walking in the bathroom cleaning myself up I heard Wilbur come near me he didn't even speak just cupped my face and kissed me. He kissed me. I melted into the kiss but then felt my throat bubble I pulled back "w-will watch it-" he stepped back I gripped the sink throwing up petals of clovenlip toadflax except I coughed out 5 petals I normally cough up 2 or 1 "w-will." "Yes?" "Do you like me.." "Of course I do to dumb to realize it.." I laughed then cried it's over now..no more endless pain.

I hugged Wilbur crying in his shoulder thanking him.

I'm cured.

(Pt2 coming soon)

713 words

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