Light beyond ones eyes (3)

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 Choi han panicked when a black wall suddenly covered the entire lake, swallowing the red haired boy inside it.

It all happened in an instant,

He was frozen in place for a few seconds before his brain finally registered what happened, and worry started to pour in.

He took out his makeshift sword and tried to cut open the barrier, but no matter how hard he hit it, it did no damage. Forget about damage, he didn't even manage to land a scratch on the barrier.

Choi han looked around to try to find an opening, but no matter where he looked. It was a perfect dome with no opening.

So he did the only thing he knows what he could do,

He kept on hitting it,

again, and again,

Until minutes passed by, and he still couldn't even make a dent.

Choi han gripped his makeshift sword...

He finally found someone, he couldn't just give up... can he?


Choi han tried to slash the barrier again but stopped his movement abruptly when he noticed the barrier itself melted into the ground.

And the red head child he just met hours ago was standing behind it, unscratched, unhurt.

"Aa--" Choi han gasped,

He was glad the child was okay,

But the child seemed visibly upset by something,

"...It's you," The red head child muttered dryly, "Don't you have anywhere else to be?"

Choi han had just realized something. The child in front of him wasn't speaking Korean, yet, he could somehow understand him.

He bit his lips and shook his head. He knows it's better if he doesn't verbally answer it since he couldn't even form sentences right now.

"How about your family?"

He shook his head again,

He had tried and hoped, but even he knows that it's better to give up on something he couldn't get sooner than feel greater disappointment later on.

"I see... Do you want to follow me?"

Choi han raised his head

and somehow,

He could see the red head's face clearer then before;

The boy in front of him had reddish-brown eyes that seemed a bit cold, and long red hair that reached his waistline.

Like a fog that had been cleared,

He had no where else to go anyway,

So why not?

"A-- Um!" He nodded his head,

Like a light at the end of the tunnel, He finally found a way out of this hell hole




Cale and the black haired boy ran leisurely in the forest while keeping their guards up.

Cale had noticed that the other had been on high alert since the beginning, and how his face slowly contorted to confusion as time passed by... He can understand him a bit, especially since there were no monsters that attacked them so far.

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