A mother's dilemma

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<Even so, you still want it?>

That was what Drew had asked Cale before, 

  She honestly wished for Cale to declined it. Maybe show a bit of fear after hearing the consequences; At least that way, She could have a reason to not give him her powers.

But he didn't,

He didn't even looked a slightest bit afraid at the mention of potential death.

  Drew did heard how an ambition could make someone blind to the consequences, even her own Oraboni had told her that when she showed interest towards Deruth in the academy. 


She had blatantly disregarded at the time....

But she supposed,

  Experiencing it in another point of view, she was starting to understand what he had felt and how his worries was evident in those times-- 

  She does not know what the future her had done or experienced yet. But seeing that she is here as a fragment of an incomplete memory, she could already guessed what had become of her own Fate. 

Not to mention...

The broken piece of "Drew Thames" that reside still in that Diary.


Drew herself was already used to having these eyes of hers that could see those lines since she was young; Seeing her favorite pet died, The short and long life spans of the servants in the Thames mansion, even her own family member's vitality.

She had learned how to turned it off and ignored them as she grows;


Will he have the mentality to handle them?

  Will he be able to handle seeing the ticking time bomb of those that surrounds him? Will he despaired when he won't be able to do anything in the face of Fate it self? 

Or maybe,

The heart to coldly turn away and close his eyes when a string decides to take away someone dear to him away?

This were the things she wish not to see anyone, especially her supposed son, to face.

<That's why, I figured out a solution!> 

  It wasn't an actual solution, she knew that, it was filled with holes and room for accidents. But it was the best and only thing she could think of in her limited time before her makeshift body disintegrated to singular leaf's again.

She doesn't have much time left, 

  And as much of an unfortunate situation this was, there's nothing she could do about it. She wasn't even meant to materialize to begin with, and it was only because of her curiosity she tried it out.

'No repercussion' ?

What a laugh,

There are always repercussion to every action that directly or indirectly play with Fate's plans. And her cute son would probably already called her bluff by now.

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