Ears on the walls (3)

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"...The eldest young master decide to go around town"

This was the first thing Basen had heard when he came back from the meeting in the Ubarr territory.

Saying he was surprised would be an understatement; his brother had been reverting back to his old self where he would refuse to leave his room for the past year, with only him and Lily being the difference.

But they said his brother finally wants to go out again?

"Edwin," Basen called,

"Yes, young master?" a middle aged man responded, in his hands were some neatly wrapped present that Basen bought for his siblings

"What happened while I was gone, is it true Hyung-nim decided to go out?"

Edwin blink, trying to process the question in his head before he exclaimed,

"Yes, young master. The eldest young master decided to take a walk around town yesterday. Just this morning, he and second head chef Beacrox went to town"

"Oh really?"

Edwin couldn't help but look at the young master he served,

"...Yes, young master" Edwin stopped his tracks when Basen stopped to look at a visible town from the mansion's window, "Is... there something wrong, young master?"

Basen didn't immediately answer, he just kept on scanning the town circle with his eyes; Trying to possibly spot a familiar red hair in it.

But it was to no avail.

"No," Basen shook his head and resumed walking, "There's nothing wrong. It's good that Hyung finally wants to stretch around a little"

Edwin frowned in confusion, but did not question any further.

He also had agreed with the second young master.

It's relieving that the eldest young master had finally wanted to go around again. Even the maids and some of the other male servants had agreed that seeing the eldest young master's smile is as potent as a drug when it comes to bringing them joy.




Beacrox doesn't know what kind of deal his father had made with the young master; but of all things, running around town and visiting some minor merchants to buy some odd things was not what he had in mind to spend the day with.

And some of the things his young master is searching for...

They aren't exactly something someone would normally buy on any normal day.

"Beacrox, can you gather the things in this list for me?"

Was what his young master had said to him after they left the mansion, only leaving him with a bag of coins and a list filled with the most odd things he had ever seen before going off on himself to who knows where.

Beacrox can only hope that Brat, his young master found in Harris, would do his job properly.

"Here you go young man,"

The old merchant gave Beacrox an old model of the communication device, something that was on the list his young master had given him. "The 35th model of the communication device, released fifteen years ago."

And when Beacrox saw how outrageously big and heavy it was, he couldn't help but want to question his young master's need for these antiques again.

"Thank you... sir"

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