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"Let's see now if anyone of you got the potion correct?", said Slughorn before marching towards each student's table.

" No"

"Sorry but no "

"It's green!"

"Smells awful"

Last was left the Malfoy and Riddle duo and Her grace and Rosier duo. " ah my favorite student let's see what you got" Slughorn before bending towards the potion and sniffing it and stirring it a few times.

" perfect as always my boy!" Exclaimed Slughorn with joy and proudness in his voice.

" Marvelous my boy take 5 points for Slytherin. And now the last pair." Said Slughorn walking towards hergrace's potion.

Slughorn's eyes widened at the sweet fragrance it was emitting. He does not need to check any further ' Miss hergrace it is one of the perfect potions brewed I have ever seen. What was your school again?" Asked Slughorn with gaped mouth?

" My last school was the transleves school of independent witches and wizards. It's deep in the Romanian forest." At the end of her words, there were many surprising gasps and shrieks.

" let's have a talk after class miss hergrace? How about that?" Asked professor d

"Sure sir," said hergrace with a neutral face.

"Everyone submit their reports on the desk and leave the class." Exclaimed Slughorn before asking Harley to follow him.

Professor Slughorn's office had many earthy tones and dark furniture.

"Have a seat miss hergrace" said Slughorn while sitting on his chair." You maybe don't know but the school which you belonged to is one of the greatest and darkest schools ever."

"I very well know sir," countered Harley with a bored expression.

" umm, why don't you join my club?" Asked professor in hopes to get one of the brightest students in his club.

"And what exactly is that club?' Asked Harley with a little interest.

" it's a group of high potential students from all houses and I would like you to be one of the members." Said Slughorn with a smile.

" I think I will pass the offer professor" said hergrace without even thinking.

" Miss hergrace at least think about it. If your mind changes your welcome anytime" said Slughorn with a defeated look.

" sure professor," said Harley before leaving class.

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