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It was one of those days when Hogwarts was covered in the thick blanket of snow and the students were at Hogsmeade and some were at The Great Hall. One of these student was Harley Hergrace. She was one of many Slytherin sitting in the hall and doing their work. From the corner of her eyes she saw someone entering the hall.

She looked up and saw it was none other than Sunaina Kholia. Unlike her daily appearance today she had hair heard lose on her shoulder. Her blackish brown hair were long enough to reach her middle thigh. She had 2 books in her hand and a bag on her shoulder.

Harley could see her settling down on the Ravenclaw table just infront of her. The girl gave her a brief glance and then ignored her. Harley also did the same and continued her work. After around 20 minutes of work Harley felt a group of students enter the Great Hall. She looked up and saw it was Tom and heirs. Right now all Harley wanted was staying away from Tom at all cost.

Harley collected her stuff and books and walked towards the exit when she saw Sunaina looking at her and then the girl gave her a silent invitation to sit next to her. Harley nodded and sat on the Ravenclaw table. She scattered her stuff next to the tanned girl and started her work. She noticed Sunaina was doing her Astronomy essay. The essay should be 4 feet long.

Harley took out her Herbology book and started her work as well. When both the girl were immersed in their work they felt someone's gaze. They both looked up and saw Black, Avery and Nott were glaring at them. Usually Harley would ignore them and continue doing her work but seems like Sunaina was very different from Harley. She raised her hand and pointed out her middle finger at them.

From the reaction one could saw that Black was about to stand up but Avery stopped her. Sunaina just chuckled and continued her work. 'You should not do that. They might harm you." Said Harley still looking at her work on the table. "Sissy you should think about yourself, it's not my first time" Said the thick haired girl. Harley looked at the girl in disbelief only thing she got in return was a wink.

Sunaina packed her things up and said "If your finding me any day we are free please consider looking in library" said Sunaina while standing up from the table. Harley also packed her things up and waked out of Great Hall.


It was the time of dinner when Harley entered the Great Hall but with a co-incident both Harley and Sunaina reached the hall gate together. The girl still had the same hairdo but her eyes were kind of red. "You look like shit Kholia" said Harley walking inside the hall while the tanned girl did not replied but sat at her table. Harley then walked towards her table and saw Smith already walking toward her but this time she was not alone. Abraxas was also walked towards Harley.

Both boys sat on each side of girl. "What were you doing with Sunaina this morning" Asked Abraxas. His eyes were kind off cold. "We are friends just doing our work given by professor." replied Harley with plain tone. Abraxas's gaze still did not bulge "Don't be close to her. She and Tom are always on each other's throat" Abraxas said. "Wow at least she is not fool enough to fall for that jerk's charm" said Harley with an unamused look.

"We are being serious Harley. That girl is a big NO" Said Rosier while shaking his head. Harley's anger was increasing bit by bit. "You know Rosier when we started talking someone told me that you were not a good influence but see you are just misunderstood" said the girl with a roll of eyes.

"We are very different don't compare us" said Rosier and then Harley lost her composure. 'You know what I am gonna talk to who ever I want. Who are you to decide to whom I should talk?" Harley said while slamming her spoon on the table. "We just want your best snowflakes" Said Abraxas now with softened yes.

"You know what it would be good if we stay away for some time" said Harley while standing up and walking out.

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