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You rang the bell and waited in front of the door until a big fat guy, dressed in all black from head to toe, opened the door and greeted you. You nodded back and wondered, was everyone only allowed to dress in black in Team Wang as you almost never saw anyone wore anything aside from black? The fat guy opened the door wider and stepped aside to give you some space so you could go through the door.

"He's in his room," the fat guy informed you and you nodded, walking to the bedroom at the back of the house. You've been there for quite a few times so you have memorized everything by now. You walked pass the living room and stopped briefly to greet Sophia, who was sitting on the couch. You talked to her for a bit before excusing yourself to go to the bedroom. You entered the room to find the person you were looking for lying on the bed.

"Hi there," you greeted him and he turned his head at your direction, greeted you back. "So, how are you? Any problem?" you asked him as you put your briefcase on the night stand and started to assemble your stuff, connecting the cables and else before pulling a chair to sit by the bedside.

"Nope. Though I think there might be a problem with the battery, but I'm not sure," he answered. You nodded and you started to connect more cables and turned on the computer.

"Okay then, I'll run the diagnostic first and let you know," you started to type and ran the programme and waited for it to run the diagnostic programme before you frowned at the result. "Well, you're right. There's a problem with the battery, but..," you sighed before turning to look at the person on the bed. "You know damn well that it's your own doing that cause it to deteriorate faster than its age," you reprimanded him only to see expresionless face looking back at you.

"How?" he seemed confused.

"Jackson," you sighed. "You have to take a rest. I know you're not tired at all, but the battery needs to be charged for 7-8 hours if you wanted it to function properly. I've told you this before. If you kept abusing it and not charging it properly, then of course it will die earlier than it's supposed to. What will you do if it decided to die while you're on your job? Away outside the town, for example? Where I can't reach you ASAP?" you raised your voice though it was impossible for the person in front of you to understand the anger you're feeling. Because he wasn't capable of doing it.

Yeah. That's right. There was a big secret as to why a Jackson Wang didn't need to sleep 8 hours a day like other normal human being. Why he didn't even looked tired even though he clocked in more hours than his employees while in fact he didn't have to work that hard. Why he never stopped working even though he had achieved more than other people his age. He would juggling between music and variety shows easily. Balancing between music and his fashion business. If he didn't work with his Panthepack crew, then he would be a guest in some kind of variety shows. Which didn't always shoot in Beijing or Shanghai. And then he would launch his cookies and attended the launch party. Then awards after awards, shows after shows. As if the clock never stopped ticking for him. As if he had more than 24 hours a day. And the reason is he isn't human. Yeah, he looked like human on the outside, but under his skin, there were cables all over his body instead of blood vessels, wires instead of nerves. And the center of it all, was the mini computer that acted like his brain and his heart. And you were the engineer to maintain it. You were appointed years ago when the project was a success and the company needed someone to do regular checkups on him. To tackle the problem as soon as it arised. Someone that had the stamina to go all over the place whenever needed, no matter what time or day. Someone that had the ability to tackle basic problems with the hardware as well as the programming. Someone that would blend with his team easily to avoid unnecesary talk. Hence they picked you. You were young, not married yet, not in any relationship, in fact. You knew everything needed to fix the common problems on the spot. And you blended well with his team. They could easily say that you were one of this team without people questioning it.

It was a challenging job. Handling the hardward and the programming was your usual menu, but, keeping your feeling in check was another thing. You often forgot that he wasn't a human being. Yeah, the team did well in programming the expressions. He could smile, pout, wink, and even flirt like regular human being. His movement was fluid as well. There was no hint of robotic movement at all. You were proud of the team's achievement. And not to forget about his face. He looked just like the real one. You still remembered the first day you saw his body being taken into the laboratory. It was a mess. He was a mess. He got into some car accident and though the media reported him safe and sound, the truth was far from it. He died on the spot, but his family reached out to the best scientist in the country. They begged for the prototype to be made just like Jackson. They were even willing to pay for the rest of the experiments as long as all of the results were used to perfect the bionic Jackson. Of course no one would refuse the funding, so they accepted it. They made it to look like Jackson. To sound like one, to act like one. It was a hell for the first few days as the team had to rush the process since the public shouldn't be suspicious when he was gone from the public after the accident. The team would sneak in at night to perfect the project and then, after a month or so, everything was set. You just needed to fine tunes it and updated the software. Aside from people from your company and his parents, the team from his old company, his Team Wang's team, and his members knew about it. That's why they kept advising the bionic Jackson to get some rest. Because that was normal people should do. They would suggest it openly to give him, or you, hints that he's been abusing the battery. Yeah, the problem was the battery because bionic Jackson didn't want to rest at all, abusing the battery until it almost ran out before charging himself. That shorten the battery life span. No matter what the team tried to do to prolong it, Bionic Jackson seemed to have his way to ruin it. And you were a bit mad because that required you to visit him earlier than scheduled.

"Okay, I'll turn the power off so I can change the battery," you reached out to turn the switch near his chest. Yeah. He was shirtless obviously, so you could run the diagnostic. You were flustered when you first saw him being shirtless but you were immune now that you've seen him shirtless quite a lot. You almost got the switch when he caught your wrist.

"I'm so sorry you have to come here often. Sometimes it's hard to remember that I'm not human because everyone around me is human. I want to live like them too." For the first time, you saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. But it was impossible. He was basically a robot, so he didn't have any feelings, did he? You blinked a couple times and the sadness that you saw earlier was gone completely. You brushed his hand aside slowly and repeated your warning earlier and turned the switch off. You replaced the battery, made sure that it was connected properly before switching the power back on. You waited for a few minutes for the computer to reboot and then he blinked, once.. twice, indicating that he was back on. "Okay," you started to clean up your stuff. "I'm done here. Let me remind you, you need to take a rest so you can charge your battery properly. Listen to your manager or your members when they warn you."

He nodded before opening his mouth, "But then, how can I make you come here if not for changing my battery? It will be too long if I have to wait for the monthly checkup," he whined and now it was your turn to blink. What did he say? You flustered a bit but you didn't see any hint in his eyes. In fact, there was nothing in his eyes. Then the reality came back to you. He wasn't capable of feeling anything so that was why the teasing didn't come up to his eyes. You shook your head slowly. You had to warn him not to spend times with Bambam too often. He started to say cheesy pick up line just like Bambam. Or maybe it was Bambam that you should congratulate for successfully teaching him cheesy pickup lines? 

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