Prelude To A Storm

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And I kno-o-oo-ow dat ya up toonight,

Thinkin' how could I be soo selfish?

But you called 'bout a THOUsand times,

Wondering wheeere I beeen.

And I kno-o-oo-ow dat ya up toonight,

Thinkin' how could I be soo reckleeeess?

But I just can't APOLOgize,

I hooope you can unnnderstaa-aaa-aaa-aand it.

Kanye pressed the button so I could hear him in the booth.

Ye: Perfect. I was gonna just stack the chorus vocals and clean it up a 'lil. You can flex if you want.

Rih: Oh hellll nah! You gonna sing backup on dis chorus too, nigga! You promised. Paul back me up!

Paul: You did say you would-

Ye: Ight y'all, shit! *laughing* Ight. I'll finagle somethin'. After you both leave. Come back tomorrow and you guys tell me how terrible it is.

I love working with him. Give us a few hours alone and we could have three solid rough drafts complete with instrumentals. We challenge each other's creativity. Kanye's the Executive Producer of my new album. He's been like another big brother since I got signed. Jay was a completely different story.

After hugging him and Paul goodbye, I threw on my shades and exited the studio with Big D, my bodyguard. As expected, we were bombarded with paparazzi and a few fans. I stopped real quick to pose with them, they literally keep my dream alive so it's the least I could do.

When we finally made it on the road, my thoughts wandered back to her. It's been 11 days since I'd last seen her and 7 since we'd last spoken. I was going through serious withdrawls. Surprisingly no one knew about us yet and it'd already been about 4 months.

I hadn't even told Melissa, and she's been my bestfriend for years. I didn't need anyone raining on my parade, although it would be nice to be able to vent sometimes. Like now, for example.

I hopped on Instagram and searched her page to creep on her pics. Her daughter is a natural beauty, just like her. She's nearly 3 now. I remember the first time I held her, she was 6 months old.

(start of Flashback July 7, 2012)

I'd asked Beyonce if I could get a better look at the baby, and she just handed her over. I sat down and lay her against my chest, those big beautiful eyes staring up at me curiously. I called her 'Princess', she seemed to like that and started smiling.

I heard the distinguishable sound of an iPhone camera and turned to see Beyonce looking at her phone.

Bey: *looks up* Beautiful.

Rih: Lemme see. *reaches out with free hand*

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