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Nicki POV

Solange and I got into it with Bey about a week ago all because she didn't like us being friends with her exfianceé. She clicked in our faces and has been ignoring us ever since. So as soon as we could, we both flew to Cali and barged into her condo to force her to talk to us.

But of us had a key and when she came downstairs to see us walking through the door, she rolled her eyes and went right back upstairs. So we followed her into her room.

Sol: So you just gon' sit up here and ignore us?

We just wanted her to understand our side but it isn't going so well. She didn't even look up from painting her toenails. Solange gave me an incredulous look and layed out on the bed beside her and after a second I sat on the other side. After a while the silence became too much for me.

Nicki: Ok, really? Ya forcin' it. You can't really be mad at us for this. Be reasonable! What did you expect?

Bey continued to ignore me. I groaned, looking to Solange for support.

Sol: *sighs* She's right, Bey-
Bey: I really don't see why y'all think this is even a discussion. I'on fuck wit' her so y'all as my bestfriend and family shouldn't either. Dassit.

I don't have the patience for this. I just stared at her for a moment, watching her screw the top back on the nail polish and fan her toes.

Bey is my bestfriend. But Robyn and I are also close friends. And when Robyn was all fucked up in rehab, who was there when Bey wasn't? Solange. We both established friendships with Rob outside of their crazy ass relationship.

Nicki: Oh? Is dat right? So that must be why you still ain't gave her the ring back. Because you don't fuck wit' her, right?

She kissed her teeth and glared at me.

Bey: You want it?! Here.

When she made to stand up, I grabbed her arm and held her in place. She whipped her head around like she was about to do something and I glared right back.

Nicki: Sit.

She stayed seated, turning to Solange.

Bey: Do you know that the girl y'all flew all the way out here to defend, put her hands on me?
Sol: What?
Bey: Yep. Yo' girl Robyn hit me! And you gon' choose her ova ya own blood?!
Sol: Wait... *sits up slowly* She... what?
Nicki: Sol-
Bey: That day we went shoppin' and you saw the bruise on my back! She punched me in the chest and fuckin' kicked me!
Sol: You told me that was a fuckin' accident, Beyoncé! Now you're tellin' me she put her hands on you?! Fuck dat.

I watched Solange stand up and decided I should step in before something happened. I know Sol and Rob would fight to the death. I snapped my neck to face Bey.

Nicki: Solange! Wait! Really Bey?!

Both Solange and Bey tried to yell over me at once.

Nicki: Hold up, hold up! Sol, wait a minute now!

I stood up and leaned down slightly in Bey's face.

Nicki: First of muthafuckin' all, you hit her first! Rememba dat? Second of all, you been forgave her and y'all way past dat! You wanna bring up old shit, remember when you cheated? Remember when you thought she cheated so you tried to SHOOT her and ended up destroyin' her house, face and shoulder in the process? And I do recall you sayin' something about spittin' in her face.

She looked away and I glanced up at Solange whose face was unreadable.

Nicki: Did she hit you then? You been puttin' your hands on her whenever you feel like it ever since and she let's you! Y'all both do it! Maybe it's how you show affection, I don't know. But I do know you only tryna rile Sol up because you mad at Rob, and for what? Because she didn't chase you this time? To make yourself feel better? All dat's gonna do is get Sol sent to prison and piss me and everyone else off. Stop instigatin'.
Bey: Ok but she-
Sol: I ain't no fuckin' pitbull dat you can just sic on anyone who pisses you off, Bey.
Bey: I neva said you was-
Sol: The way I see it, y'all both crazy and weird as shit but you just might be a little worse. I'm not sayin' she ain't did wrong. But dis shit right here is your own fault! Own it!

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