Guess Who?

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As soon as we stepped off stage, all of our friends and family bombarded Bey; hugging and congratulating her, shrieking at the ring. Guess I'm chopped liver then. I felt my phone vibrate with a new message, so I moved off to the side to check it.

This morning I came up with the bright idea of flying Cynthia out to surprise Nicki tonight. Partly because I know her absence makes Nicki upset and when Nicki's upset, Bey is upset. And the other part is that I genuinely don't like to see Nicki upset either.

Sure I love to tease her and talk shit, but most of the time she deserves it. Not to mention the fact that she's fucking short and loud and her voice reminds me of Fran from "The Nanny". But I do kind of love her, or whatever. So if I have to fly her not-really-girlfriend out on my private jet last minute to get her to stop pouting, I will.

Cyn: I just landed. She still there right?
Rih: Yep but hurry before she dies from alcohol poisoning.
Cyn: Kk. Omw!

Bey can't keep a secret from Nicki for shit, so I had Mel on watch to make sure Nicki doesn't leave before Cyn gets here. From the looks of it, she's just been plying her with alcohol. Nicki and alcohol can be lethal so I pray this doesn't go left. My phone vibrated again.

Keri: Ok, call me later ight?
Rih: Got you.

I had to cancel on Keri yesterday and I felt really bad, but she wasn't even angry. In fact, we've basically been having one long ass conversation since yesterday morning. I facetimed her and she'd helped me and Mel pick out the ring. She's soo sweet and fun to talk to. Not to mention, hilarious. I hope we can become close friends.

While Bey and I were on stage, the hired help had set up two throne-like chairs and a long table covered in a gold sheet, on a raised platform off to the side of the stage. I took a seat in the 'King' chair, accepting a glass of champagne from a waiter. Bey came and sat beside me in the 'Queen' chair, a sleepy Blue in her arms.

A second later the crowd below parted and our mothers came down the middle wheeling a huge cake up to our table. I had no idea they were doing this so I was just as surprised as Bey. They toasted us then we cut the cake, posing for photos. Of course I smeared a few fingers full of frosting all over Bey's face then licked it off. After the crowd dispersed, the rest of the cake and the table was carted away.

Bey: *beaming* These chairs though?
Rih: *smirks* I know. Do you like it or do you love it?
Bey: You know I love it! And I love you. *pecks Rih's lips* Baby this is soo beautiful! I can't believe this, like, I had no idea!
Rih: Yeah because unlike you, I can keep a secret.

She just mushed my head and giggled. We sat there for a while, talking and people-watching.

Bey: So, Mama and Blue seem to really get along with your family...
Rih: I know an' I'm soo relieved. My family is real wild compared to yours. Especially my brothers.
Bey: I love your brothers.
Rih: A lil' too much if you ask me. Jus' rememba who's dick you belong to.
Bey: *laughs* You keep forgettin' you don't have one.
Rih: Well maybe ya madda can fix dat.
Bey: *confused* How?
Rih: Mama Tina...she from Louisiana, ya? You know, voodoo queens...?
Bey: Bitch, I'm tellin'!
Rih: She won't believe you.
Bey: Whatever. And you ain't gettin' shit tonight.
Rih: *kisses teeth* BB, please. If I want it, I will take it.

She just sat back huffing because she already knows. There was one time she almost succeeded in resisting me. But we can file that away right next to who almost won the Superbowl and who almost became President.

Rih: Bey... BB!... Beyonnncé...

Ok, so she's just going to ignore me? I took a deep breath.


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