Firebomb Pt. 2

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Five Hours Later


I woke up suddenly, confused until I realized I was in my room. I don't know what woke me up but I'm wide awake now with a banging headache as usual. The tv was on, playing one of those three hour infomercials for elderly people.

I squinted as I sat up and looked around and then hopped off the bed and stood up to go to the bathroom. My foot hit something warm and bony. I looked down to see it was someone's back.

:Ah! Rih, what the Hell!
Rih: *giggles* Chris, get off my floor! 'Dat's yo' fault.
Chris: Man, whateva. I was tired and you ain't let a nigga sleep on the bed.
Rih: I got tree spare bedroom an' like four big ass couches in 'dis bitch. You coulda pick one.

He just grunted and lay his head back down on the floor so I shrugged and continued on to the bathroom.

Bey said Mama Tina was going to keep the kids until Friday so you already know that before I landed back at JFK, I was already lit. Chris and I agreed on us all going to the strip club. Don't judge, I haven't seen a naked woman up close in months. Bey is killing me.

Anyway, we all got wasted and I swear I tossed fifteen racks. Chris was being annoying and wouldn't leave my room last night so I just went to sleep. I guess he passed out on the floor.

After I finished in the bathroom I went back into my room and searched for my phone. I hadn't looked at it in hours. Finding it under the bed, I sat down and unlocked the screen to see I had nearly fifty missed calls and numerous texts and voicemails from a few different people.

I decided Bey's call was the most important so I called her first. The last call was from an hour ago so I hoped she was still awake. It only rang twice before she answered.

Bey: Robyn! Where the Hell were you?!
Rih: I--
Bey: You need t--to get to Lenox hospital, right now.
Rih: Why? What 'appen? Is it the babies?!
Bey: No! It's-- It's Rohan and B-Blue... Th-- they... *sobs*
Rih: They what, Beyoncé?! What 'appen?!

It took her a moment but when she finally got the words out I dashed out of bed and threw on a hoodie and sweats almost forgetting to grab shoes before I raced downstairs. I called a car and paced my foyer impatiently as I waited, completely forgetting about Chris.

The five minutes it took for the car and my bodyguard to arrive felt like hours. The entire hour and a half ride I held myself together as best I could. Worry and panic seized my chest, threatening to overwhelm me. I needed a joint but I needed to get to my kids first.

My entire body shook as I exited the backseat and was lead through the hospital, the nurse telling me shit Bey already told me along the way as she brought me to Mama Tina's room as both children were still in surgery. When the door opened all heads turned to me hopefully but only cast their eyes away sadly when they saw it wasn't a doctor.

Bey stood from her mother's bedside, slowly walked over to me and fell into my arms. I held my wife to my chest as she sobbed, kissing her all over her head and face periodically. I felt myself slipping as I heard her crying but I took a deep breath and pulled it together; I needed to be strong for her and Rita. I looked around once more and didn't see her. Fuck, does Rita even know?

I pulled back some and spoke softly into Bey's ear.

Rih: Baby, do you know if 'dey called Rita?

She pulled away to wipe at her eyes and worriedly shook her head.

Bey: T--they tried to call her, both of you, but neither of y'all answered. We all left messages.
Rih: Wha'bout Jay?
Bey: *nods* Yeah, he's on his way.

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