Of Drugs & Love

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Still kneeling infront of the table, I'd just finished up the fifth blunt in preperation for Mel and I. We might not smoke that many, but we can always save the spares. Leaning down, I lifted the rolled up bill to my nose, when Lele busted in my door.

Lele: Riri! Melly said to put on dat red bikini b-

She stopped mid-sentence and just stood there, gaping. Her eyes flickered between the cocaine, the twenty and my face a few times before they settled on the cocaine. After a few seconds I started to get annoyed and rapped my knuckles against the table to get her attention.

Rih: Yo.

She looked at me with her mouth still hanging open.

Rih: *points thumb towards door*
Lele: Rih, what-
Rih: Leandra. *stares*

She backed out slowly, like she was afraid I was going to attack her. I shook my head and stood up to change. Of course she brought Leandra. Bitch better not have ran to tell Melissa.

No one I really knew or cared about has ever caught me like that. Melissa kind of did once, a few months ago. She'd walked in on me in the bathroom, but she'd only seen a small ammount of white residue on the counter and me pinching my nose. It was suspicious, but not enough to confront me I guess. I finished my business, and left my room to find the girls.

I found them already in the water at the shallow end. I lit up and joined them. Lele gave me a funny look, but otherwise didn't say anything.

Rih: Prollum?
Lele: Nah.

Her phone pinged and she focused her attention on texting whomever back. I rolled my eyes.

Mel: *snatches blunt from Rih's mouth* Took you long enough.
Rih: 'teva. You da one who made me change.
Mel: I wanted us all to match!
Rih: *laughs* Why you so corny, man?
Lele: Pass dat shit, Mel.


I've been here for a while now, and we've barely moved from our current positions. Nicki and I got up to take a shower together, dress, and lay back down. I haven't spoken in over an hour and she hasn't either, which I am grateful for. My phone dinged, and I grumbled while retrieving it from the dresser.

????: hey, its leandra. Rihs cousin from the bar last night. Nicki gave me ur number.

I looked up at Nicki and glared.

Nicki: What?
Bey: Now you givin' out my number to randoms too?
Nicki: What are you talkin' about?
Bey: Robyn's cousin.
Nicki: Oh.

I kissed my teeth and texted back.

Bey: Oh hey, wassup?
Lele: i got a question since i heard u and my cousin are so close...why u aint tell no one about her habit? U into that stuff too?
Bey: Habit??
Lele: cocaine. I walked in on her about to snort a mountain of that shit like 20min ago.

I read the text and tossed my phone on the bed in front of Nicki. She read the messages and looked up at me, her look was stern and her voice laced with pity.

Nicki: Honestly, I already knew about it. And so did you.
Bey: N-
Nicki: *rolls eyes* Bey, don't lie.
Bey: *sighs* Ok, but I figured she only did it socially! You know Robyn, she's a lil' wild and she's willin' to try almost anything once or twice. I didn't know she was a full out coke head!
Nicki: I'm not sayin' that. I just-

She was interrupted by Janelle Monae singing "Electric Lady". I snatched my phone up, knowing it was my sister.

Bey: Where is my baby?
Sol: She right here! And damn, hello to you too!
Bey: *ignores her* Hey, Blublu! You miss mommy?
Blue: Ya, mommy! Where you?
Bey: *laughs* I'm in Barbados, baby.
Blue: Oh. Where 'Ana?
Bey: *frowns* I don't know, baby. But mommy will be home soon, ok?
Blue: Kay!
Bey: Now give mommy kisses.
Blue: Muah! Luh you!
Bey: Muah! Love you too, baby. Give the phone back to Auntie Sol.

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