All Falls Down

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Where is JessicaElaine1


And on the fourteenth day...

We pulled a lot of strings to make it so all three of us (Bey, Rita and myself) could sleep in the kids' room. We alternated between theirs and Mama Tina's since we had Blue's bed moved into Rohan's room to keep our children close.

Early this morning the doctor told us that Blue was safe to be discharged this afternoon. I knew my little princess was getting restless in the hospital so I encouraged Bey to go home with her later and I would stay with Rita and Rohan.

She finally agreed to leaving for a few hours but I wouldn't try to stop her from coming back to hang with her mother who might not be discharged for another week.

All three of us had already spoken to our family and friends and kept them at bay until we knew what was going on. Our mothers, with the exception of Mama Tina since she was already here, put up a bit of a fight but they respected our wishes as long as we kept them updated.

It was only about ten a.m. so I was dozing in the chair beside Rohan's bed when I felt myself slipping into real sleep and I caught myself. I jumped a little and glanced over at my son out of habit, only to see him staring right back at me. I barely remembered not to scream since Rita and Bey were taking naps beside Blue. I whisper-yelled, though.

Rih: *gasp* Rohan!

I leaned forward and grabbed his hand.

Rih: Don' try to talk. You got... a ting inna you toat. Give Deda a second, ok?

He just looked at me tearfully and I pressed the button to call a nurse into the room. The speaker beside the bed started talking and I jumped again.

Nurse: Hello, Mrs. Fenty! What can I get you?
Rih: M-my son... 'e woke up.
Nurse: Oh my! Your doctor and myself are on our way right now, ma'am.
Rih: T-tank you.

I ran my fingers through his hair in a comforting gesture to keep him calm until someone arrived.

Suddenly remembering that Rita and Bey would want to be awake for this, I stood and walked around the bed and shook their shoulders. Both woke immediately on high alert. Rita was the first to realize and squealed. It took Bey a moment but as soon as she realized what happened she joined Rita in tears of joy.

Rohan seemed just as happy to see them so I said nothing. The doctor and nurse arrived a few moments afterwards; the nurse checked things and asked me a few questions before the doctor turned to Rohan.

Doctor: Well hello, sir! I bet you're ready for that *points to tube* to be out.

Rohan just stared at him like a Fenty. The doctor took it in stride and kept smiling genuinely all the same and leaned forward into his personal space.

Doctor: Ok, Rohan. Deep breath in...

Rohan followed his instruction and the doctor pulled the tube out without incident then grabbed a cup of water with a straw and urged Rohan to sip. After placing the cup on the counter, the doctor leaned away and glanced down at his clipboard.

Doctor: Now, how are you feeling, little man?

Everyone except the Doctor looked at Rohan expectantly but he just looked confused. When the doctor noticed that he didn't respond, he looked at Rohan and then to us in turn.

Doctor: No need to worry, it's perfectly normal for a patient to be a bit out of sorts after being in a coma for any period of time. *looks at Rohan* Is your throat sore, buddy?

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