Caught Up

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Rihanna POV

I choked on my spit and my eyes widened. After I received his text, I called him the next day and we set a time for late afternoon. Of all the things I thought he'd say, that wasn't one of them. For a second I thought of denying it, but the look in his eyes told me that would be stupid. I stood there gaping before I found my voice.

Rih: I-
Jay: And think very carefully about what you're about to say.
Rih: I'm sorry. Look I know it probably doesn't mean shit to you, but I love her. I'm in love wit her and I- I don't know what else to say.

He just stared at me. Those eyes I was all too familiar with, traced over every inch of my face. When he finally spoke, his voice was eerily calm.

Jay: You will stop this thing you have goin' on with Bey. Find someone who isn't married to your boss. Everyone's happy.

Did he not hear what I just said?

Rih: I can't do dat. I'm not gonna give her up because ya ego is bruised. Do you even love her? Y'all are barely friends as it is and we all know about ya...indiscretions. You been in more pussy during your marriage den before it.

In the blink of an eye, he was in my face. His glare transformed to a look of slight shock when he felt the heavy metal pressed into his midriff. He looked down and growled. I didn't flinch. I was scared but I wasn't tryna let him see that. I glared right back at him because hell yeah I brought my little friend. I bring Nina everywhere. I bought my .9mm 3 yrs ago and she hasn't let me down yet. I also have an AK called Troy. I only got him because he was just too handsome.

Rih: You gonna hit me, huh? Show me 'ow much of a man you are? I been dere before, baby. You know me, so you know I'll fill you wit lead if you sneeze on me, so you might as well back da fuck up. And if you try to destroy my relationship, I swear to God-

Jay backed up a little because he's met Nina before. It was 2 years ago and I had only grazed him then, but he'd gotten the message. Don't make me jealous, and I can and will shoot you. He smiled.

Jay: You fucking- *laughs* -you think I give a shit about your 'relationship'? You're a fucking hoe, Rihanna. Everyone knows it!

I lifted the gun and aimed.

Jay: Shoot me! Shoot me and she will know about everything. And I do mean everything. Because the thing is, she knows about me. But I got this crazy feeling...that she doesn't know half as much about you.

My heart dropped and I lowered Nina. He smirked, sitting in his desk chair.

Jay: Does she know how addicted to my dick you were? Did you tell her 'bout how you-
Rih: Shut up.
Jay: *shakes head* Don't you see? She is never gonna leave me for someone like you. Once she knows everything, it'll be over between y'all. She loves me way more than she could ever love you. Does she even know about your 'nose candy' problem? I know you still use. You have an addictive personality, you know. You should see someone about that. *smirks*
Rih: Fuck. You.
Jay: Anytime, sweetheart. You were the one to end it. Now I see it was to chase after my wife. Pitiful.

I rushed forward and pistol whipped him, then held the gun against his head.

Rih: You stupid BITCH, you fuckin' know why I ended it and it had nothin' to do wit her!

He held his jaw and stared at me, guilt shining in his eyes. By now I was shaking and a few tears had escaped my eyes. I angrily wiped them away with my free hand. If I had even suspected that he might've known about me and Bey, I wouldn't have come simply because of this. I didn't want to remember.

Before my heart latched itself onto Bey, it was split between Chris and Jay. Despite everything Chris had done to me, we had too much history for my heart to completely give up on him. We saw each other on the low for a while before we were caught. Unfortunately, before we reconnected, Jay had been my rebound for Chris.

That's how it started. He came to see me one day after I was discharged, I cried into his shoulder for an hour and then kissed him. The affair was sloppy and confusing but we just couldn't stop. I couldn't stop. At first it was only physical for me, until one day it wasn't. One random night after Chris and I went public, he confronted me about his suspicions of me cheating and gave me an ultimatum. He didn't know who it was, but I chose Jay.

A few months after that, I got pregnant. I told Jay and he was over the moon about it. He'd always wanted a little boy, and Beyoncé had yet to conceive. Said everything would be ok because the public already considered me a whore, so no one would have any idea it was his. Like that was a good thing. Eventually, the stress of everything got to me and I miscarried at three and a half months. Melissa found out, we fought (she fucked me up) and she told my mother. I broke everything off with him right after, but I didn't persue Bey until way after that.

Jay: I'm-
Rih: I don't give a shit. I'm fucking outta here!

I put the safety back on, tucked Nina back in my purse, and left. I called my assistant to get a jet ready to fly me and my brothers back home. I'm not fucking with America right now. She called me back ten minutes later with the details. Our flight was in a little over an hour. They're gonna be pissed, but I wouldn't be much fun here. Plus I really couldn't look Bey in the face right now.

First thing's first, though. I cursed Jay and pulled out my phone to send that text before I pulled off. I just needed something to take the edge off. I'm not addicted.

Rih: Yo u got me?


I silenced my phone for what felt like the millionth time today, and bounced Majesty on my lap. Me and Mama were chilling in the living room while we waited on the food she was cooking to finish. My sister ran off on some errands, so I was stuck babysitting. Not that I actually minded. Rajad hasn't spoken to me since I told him we were coming back and Rorrey ran off to see some hoe, so it was just me, Mama and Maj.

Mama: Who keep callin' you?
Rih: Nobody, Mama.

She sighed and went back into the kitchen. It was Bey. She'd been calling since last night when I landed. I hadn't told her I was going home, so she's probably standing in my empty house going insane. On second thought...I stood up shifting Majesty to my hip.

Rih: Let's go, Maj. We gotta make a call wid'out Mama bein' nosy.

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