Family Ties

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It would've gone farther if we weren't interrupted.

?????: Uhhh... Should I come back lata?


Hearing that voice, we both shot up and screamed. Me from excitement, her from surprise and maybe alittle fear. Rorrey is kind of a big nigga, so I get it. I should've known someone would pop up- I haven't seen anyone since Crop Over. I squealed and jumped off the bed, throwing on a pair of panties and a t shirt. Then I ran over and jumped into his arms.

Rih: Rorrreeeeyyy! Weh ya doon'yeh?! Mama didn't seh nu'n!
Rorrey: *laughs* She tol' me to surprise ya. Said you were missin' me. She wrong?
Rih: No! Ya 'ere alone?
Rorrey: Nope! Had Drake pick me an' Rajad from airport!

Ok, now I screamed for real. Rajad's here too! That explains how they got in. Drake still has a spare key.

Rorrey: *covers ears* Shhhh! You tryna wek up d'neighborhood? It's late! Introduce me to ya fren.

I was confused for a second before I remembered Bey was still in the bed, confused as Hell. That's why when I turned around I nearly jumped out of my skin. She was right behind me, a smile on her face and a t shirt over her head (thank Jah). She leaned up and kissed his cheek. I didn't really like that or the fact that he was blushing. He never blushes.

Bey: Hey, I'm Beyoncé. Rorrey, right? I've never met any of her family before. It's nice to meet you. Y'all look just alike, it's crazy.
Rorrey: Um, yeah. Hey.*still blushing* So, uhm...I 'ave to seh, you are beautiful.

Uh..da fuck?

Bey: *blushes* Thank you. You're not so bad yourself.
Rih: Aright, aright. Go back downstairs. I'll be down in a minute.
Rorrey: Aright. *looks at Bey* See you?
Bey: *smiles* Yeah. See you.

After Rorrey's dumbass went back downstairs, I rounded on Bey.

Rih: Yeah, dere's no way in Hell I'm lettin' you 'round 'im again.
Bey: *tilts head in confusion* What? Why? He's so sweet!

Her face practically lit the fuck up. I scowled.

Rih: Because dat! *points to Bey's face* Dat's why.
Bey: What?
Rih: Just stay here. You want somethin' while I'm gone down?
Bey: *chuckles* No, Babe. I'm all set. *turns on tv* Hurry back.
Rih: It's not funny! *pouts*
Bey: But it's soo cute that you're jealous of your big brother.
Rih: Fuck you.
Bey: *gasps* But baby, we have company!

I huff and head downstairs to find the idiot and Rajad. I can already tell I'm not going to enjoy this visit much. My phone flashed with a text message.

Jay: Call me soon so we can meet up.

I locked the screen and continued on into the kitchen. Ugh, if I hear one more thing about this Tidal ish, Ima pull out my hair. He's been bugging me all month about it. Bey told me to invest so I guess I'm investing. But, damn. Does this nigga ever sleep?


When she came back in the room she locked the door. I laughed at her adorableness.

Rih: *huffs* Still not funny.

She hopped face first onto the bed beside me.

Rih: My brothers are gonna take a nap for now and den they wanna go do somethin' later. I'm gonna take a nap too, I guess. Cuddle me? *pouts*
Bey: Of course, Baby.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed all over her neck.

Rih: *mumbles* Nookie later, sleep now.
Bey: *sighs* Kay.

We ended up going to lazertag when we all woke up. Rih somehow managed to shut one down on short notice. I ended up on Rorrey's team (Rob wasn't too happy about that), and we whipped Rob and Rajad's asses three times in a row before the sore losers demanded we leave. We left out the back exit to keep hidden incase of paparazzi and had our driver run into Five Guys to grab us burgers.

I sat quiet and just figured I'd find something to eat back at home. The driver came back with the food, then Rorrey hopped out and ran into the restaurant, much to our confusion. Rob shrugged and tried to hand me a burger. I just stared.

Rih: What?

When Rorrey came back, he had a seperate bag, which he handed to me, 1000 watt smile and all.

Rorrey: I 'memba you tol' me you was vegan. See? Supa salad!

I returned his smile and thanked him profusely, kissing his cheek. My own girlfriend forgot, and to say she was pissed would be an understatement. She was obviously jealous, but I could tell she felt guilty for forgetting. She glared at us the whole way home. Her brothers and I payed her no mind, talking and laughing the whole way.

When she got Rajad settled in his room, she motioned for me to follow her upstairs. Rorrey looked at me, and I shrugged. I gave him a goodnight kiss on the cheek, and followed her out the gameroom.

As soon as the door to her bedroom closed behind us, she had me backed up against the door. She kissed me soft and sweet, I moaned a little as I granted her tounge entrance to explore my mouth. She pulled back.

Rih: I'm sorry I forgot again.

Before I had a chance to respond, she slapped me. I lifted my head and tried to rub the sting from my cheek. She grabbed my jaw.

Rih: You know what dat's for?

I nodded. Satisfied, she walked away and got ready for bed.

I stayed the night and left before Robyn's meeting. I wanted to spend some time with Blue before Solange came to pick me up to go shopping.

Sol: Nah, I love that one! Turn and lemme see it from the back.

I turned, forgetting about the-

Sol: What the Hell happened to your back?!

-bruise. Ok. Think, think, think.

Bey: Oh, that? I, uhm-
Sol: Bey!
Bey: What? I'm tellin' the truth.
Sol: *squints*

Oh no, not the squint. Pass me not, oh gentle savior... Wait! I got it.

Bey: *sighs dramatically* Ok, you really wanna know?
Sol: *rolls eyes* No! Lie to me, please.
Bey: Alright, cool out. So, the other night me and Rob were gettin' ready to do the do. We were in the kitchen kissing and I started suckin' on her neck. She got a spot right behind her-
Sol: Giselle!
Bey: *laughs* Anyway, she jumped into my arms and I fell back into the corner of the island counter. It didn't hurt that bad then, I'm surprised the mark is still there.
Sol: And you promise that's what happened? Because I swear to god, I will kill her.
Bey: Chill, S. *laughs*

I turned away to remove the bathing suit top.

Sol: I'm serious.
Bey: I know! There's just nothing to worry about. *I looked back* So leave it.
Sol: What? I'm not gonna do anything.
Bey: You said that last time. Next thing I know, you're beatin' on my husband in an elevator. This time it would be even worse because your accusations are false. So like I said: leave it.
Sol: Ok, but Ima watch her. No one raises they hand to my sister unless they lookin' for a hi-5.
Bey: *laughs* You stupid. Let's go girl, I'm gettin' hungry.

As soon as I was able to ditch Solange, I called Rob. I had to warn her about my sister. I hope she doesn't get angry with me because Solange is like a human lie detector and I know she didn't completely believe me. I called maybe six times in a row, but she didn't answer. That's strange, she said she was free after 3. I checked the time again and it was quarter past 7. Maybe her meeting ran over. Ima just wait to see if she calls me back tonight, and if not, Blue and I will go to her house tomorrow.


Jay: I know you're fucking my wife. What I don't know is how long you thought you could keep this from me.

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