Same Ol' Mistakes

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C0leW0rld one of my favorite comment..ers. please don't do me today lol

Eight Days Later

Rajad: Do what you waan do.
Rih: Are you serious right now? It's innocent. Ask m'babysitta Melissa or even Rorrey! She an 'ol fren an' we jus' catchin' up again.

We were all supposed to be having fun - or as much fun as we could have at this over-crowded beach full of tourists - with the kids. But Rajad over-heard me talking to Meagan on the phone a few minutes ago and now he has an attitude, just like everyone else.

Rajad: Lemme mash it dung like 'dis: would you let Bey listen in on 'dat phone conversation m'jus 'ear?
Rih: *scoffs* No, but--
Rajad: 'Dere we go.
Rih: What?
Rajad: Is not so "innocent".

I rolled my eyes. Anyways.

Rih: *yells* Ro! Princess! Come 'elp me wit' 'dis sandcastle!


Later That Night

Rih: Aye, behave.
Meagan: What? I'm not doin' nothin'.
Rih: Mhm.

I took a sip of my drink and rolled my eyes at Melissa half-ass dancing with Leandra. I knew she was watching me behind those shades. Ever since Meagan hit me up earlier she's been watching me. I agreed to hang out with her again and at the last minute Mel and Lele's annoying ass hopped in the whip like they were invited. Whatever.

I stopped watching them when I felt Meagan's lips on my neck. She's been a bit more flirty tonight than she usually is but I do remember she has a pretty low tolerance so I'm patient with her.

Rih: Meme, I'm serious. I'm married so you really gotta chill.

She pulled away slowly, her teeth pulling at the skin of my neck as she did. When she finally released me I shuddered and discreetly moved back some, clearing my throat.

Meagan: Oh yeah. *rolls eyes* Beyoncé, right?

I nodded slowly, watching her lick her lips. Those lips, man.

Meagan: Right...Where she at?
Rih: S--she in d'states. I got my kids wit' me 'ere, doe.
Meagan: Oh. You ain't tell me that last week.
Rih: I musta forgot.
Meagan: Mmh. So why you out here witout her? She got tired of yo' ass already?
Rih: No one ever get tired of me, stop playin'.
Meagan: *giggles* True! So... you said kids?
Rih: Yep, plural.

I motioned the bartender back over and had him leave the rest of the bottle. For me only, she doesn't need a drop more.

Rih: Two. My daughta Blue an' my son Rohan.
Meagan: Hmm.. Robyn and Rohan, cute. I know yo' ass didn't birth him.
Rih: Nah.
Meagan: I bet I could make you a good baby.

I didn't respond but she didn't seem to have been expecting me to. She wrapped her arm around me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

Meagan: You really do smell like heaven, you know.
Rih: Right... Tanks.
Meagan: That's all I get, babe?
Rih: *sighs* Look, Ion know if I accidentally led you on d'odda night or whateva but...
Meagan: So in short, she got you whipped.
Rih: Hell no. I choose to be in a committed relationship wit' my wife.

She looked at me for a long moment and leaned in conspiratorally. My breath hitched.

Meagan: How committed?

I stared back and took a large gulp of Jameson.


The Next Day

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