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I sat up so fast my head spun, and turned to gape at her in shock. What the fuck did she just say?! How did Jay find out? We were careful, I was careful! Even if he did figure out that there was someone else, there's no way he could've figured out that it was Robyn! Wait, did she  tell him?!

What does he have on her? A home porno or something... I would say maybe some nude pics but, this is Rihanna we're talking about; I doubt she'd care. Whatever it is, Onika and I will summon our inner Huck (or Quinn?) and Olivia Pope to handle it, because nothing/no one will dictate our relationship. Seriously, fuck Jay!

Rih: *shakes Bey's shoulder gently* Bey! Babe! Beyoncé!
Bey: What?!
Rih: You weren't even listenin' to me, were you?
Bey: *ignores question* Robyn, how did he find out about us? Did you tell him?
Rih: *blinks* Beyoncé, why da fuck would I do dat?!
Bey: Well you already hate him, so why not?!
Rih: I do not hate 'im... *mumbles* I jus 'ave a strong dislike for 'im.
Bey: Exactly! *gets out of bed angrily* Why would you do this?!
Rih: I didn't do anythin'! He hit me up a couple days ago sayin' he wanted to speak wid me. As soon as I walked in 'is office, he tol' me dat he knew an' wanted me to break up wid you! I would never air our shit out like dat because I know how much it would hurt you!
Bey: But-
Rih: *rolls eyes* I wouldn't chase you for fuckin' years and den risk losin' you, jus' to get one up on Guppy Lips! Dat's a bit extreme, don'cha think?

Oh. Well that...that makes sense.

Bey: Well, too bad for him because ain't nobody breakin' up. *smirks* We at least gotta have break up sex first.
Rih: *gets out of bed & heads towards the door* Whatchu feelin' like? I tink Mama made bakes an' dere's some lef-ova plantain in da fr-

Oh wow. So this is really happening. She won't even look at me. Ain't nobody worried about no damn breakfast!

Bey: *yells* I don't want NO fuckin' BAKES! I want answers! *voice cracks* Were you seriously gonna break up w-with me?
Rih: *looks away*
Bey: *tears falling* Baby, I promise that whatever it is we can handle it together!
Rih: No, no we can't and I'm sorry.
Bey: *sniffles* What do you mean you're sorry?! Robyn what does he have on you? D-does he plan to go to the media or somethin? Because I can get the story buried, trust me. You just needa tell me what it is!


I just stood there. What do I say? Hurry up, Robyn!

Rih: I-

My door burst open, smashing against my whole right side, but I've never been more grateful.

Rajad: She's 'ere! And dey 'ave clothes on...kinda! It's safe, y'all!

We were donned in panties and long t-shirts. I glanced at Bey's face, she looked agitated but as soon as she saw my brothers and my niece, she plastered a smile on. I took Maj from Rorrey and kissed all over her face, she giggled and squished my cheeks. 

Rorrey jumped on my bed, while Raj hugged Bey.

Bey: Wassup, Raj! Miss me?
Rajad: Yeah but I tink Rorrey miss you more, ya Rorrey? *smirks*
Rorrey: Yuh lie!
Bey: Oh, so you didn't miss me? Ok.
Rorrey: *gets up & bear hugs Bey* You know I missed ya! *pulls away* Come, Mama an' Candy waan meet my futcha wife!
Rih: *glares* Rorrey.
Bey: *pouts* I'm still tireddddd!
Rorrey: Ok. Piggy back! *turns around & kneels*
Rih: Um, what da fuck Ro?
Bey: *smiles at Rorrey* That sounds like a great idea!

Ok, she isn't going to be wrapping her thighs around my brother in only panties. Her clit rubbing up and down his shirtless back. Just, no. She can be mad at me all she wants...with pants on.

Three's Company (Beyonce and Rihanna Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें