Robyn's Revenge

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"Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting."


I paused at the door and turned.

Rih: Aye, anybody here I can bring wit' me?

Jay caught my meaning and scratched at his chin in thought. I needed someone guaranteed to keep his/her mouth shut no matter what they saw or heard.

Jay: Yeah, hold on.

He picked up his cell and called someone. I stood there for a few minutes waiting. After a few more minutes, an extremely tall white guy ducked into the room.

Jay: This is Jeremy. I trust him.
Rih: *nods* Ight. Les go, Jeremy.

I led him out to the car I had waiting and got in.

Rih: You comin' in d'back wit' me.

He nodded and followed. I told my driver where we were going and sat back scrolling through my contacts before pressing the FaceTime option.

Rih: Hol' it up for me please, Jerry.

He held the phone steady as it rang. When it finally connected I was once again met with the light bright face of my baby's mother. I smiled awkwardly at her stale face.

Rih: Um, hey...
Rita: He's having brekky. Hold on, I'll go to him.
Rih: Wait!

She paused her movements and stared blankly at me. I sighed.

Rih: Please don't be mad at me.
Rita: How do you suppose I stop? You lied to us. Not only that but I have no way of knowing what you've done while our son was in your care. I can't stop thinking about what could've happened had he happened to find something and-- *sighs* You lie as easily as you breathe, Robyn. I know I will eventually forgive you for all of this, but I just... I can't right now and I need you to respect that.
Rih: I do. I swear I do an' I'm willin' to wait.
Rita: Shawn already called me so I know the plan. Just focus on getting sober. If not for anyone else, let it be for you. You need to actually want this or it's all for naught.
Rih: I know.

She sighed again and shuffled around. I saw the marble floor of her kitchen for a few seconds and then she lifted the camera to face my son who was eating... something on a plate. Before she could announce my presence, I cut her off.

Rih: BLUUUUDCL-- Rita, what d'Hell is 'dat?!

The camera turned around to her confused face.

Rita: It's spag bol!
Rih: The fuck is 'dat an' why my son eatin' it?
Rita: *rolls eyes* It's what he wanted and I honestly couldn't bring myself to say no. At least he's eating something that isn't sweets.
Rih: Spag bol?
Rita: ...spaghetti bolognese, pretty much.
Rih: It looks nasty.
Rita: Well, he likes it like that. It's just the extra cheese.
Rih: I don't like it.
Rita: *flippant* It's a good thing you aren't the one eating it. And anyway, Beyoncé told me about the raw meat and peanut butter so shut it.

I scoffed. She moved the camera from her face and got Rohan's attention off-camera. He looked up with a messy smile and turned to the camera, his smile getting wider when he saw me. My cheeks hurt from how hard I was smiling, myself. I waved and he waved back, putting his fork down.

"Hello, Rohan." I signed.
"Hello, Daddy!" he signed and yelled at the same time.

I put my index finger to my lips and stretched my free hand out in an up and down motion, telling him to quiet down. I know he forgets but he needs to remember to either control his volume or not speak at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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