About Last Night... Pt. 1

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*bows to @cynpotle*


Sol: What the Hell are you doin'?
Bey: *stops banging head, eyes closed* Maybe if I give myself a concussion, Mama and Robyn will go easy on me.
Sol: Or they'll take you to the hospital, wait for you to wake up, then beat yo' ass.
Nicki: Accurate.
Bey: Bitch, who even asked you? Get out my room!

I heard Nicki get off my bed grumbling, and open the door. Someone screamed and I looked up to see Michelle, Kelly and Nicki at the door. Michelle had her eyes covered and Lauren, Nicki and Kelly were laughing their asses off.

Michelle: *horrified* Have you NO shame?! You can't just be prancin' around here buck naked!
Kelly: *laughing* Shut up, 'Chelle! 'Cause yesss she most certainly can. *winks*
Nicki: *bites lip seductively* Ight, now. Don't start nothin' you can't finish, ma.
Kelly: Oh please, I-
Michelle: Onika, I am begging you!
Nicki: *kisses teeth* Hand me that shirt over there, Kellz.
Lauren: I got it.
Bey: Wait so, no one remembers what happened last night?

There was a "naw" from Kelly, and a "hell nah" from Nicki.

Michelle: Well, I do. *Bey looks up anxiously* But... I was with Kelly most of the night, dancing. I didn't see you until y'all got in the limo, and you started making out with one of them. You said somethin' about "pill of licks" or somethin'...
Lauren: *nods, chuckling* Nah, it was "Pillow Lips", I think.
Bey: Shit. So that really happened.
Nicki: Girl, duh.
Bey: And I really almost had sex outside the club.
Nicki: What part of "all over the internet" don't you understand?
Bey: *ignores Nicki* What else happened?
Michelle: Well-
Lauren: I think I can fill in a few blanks...

We all looked at her. Everyone scampered to my bed and I just stayed where I was.

Nicki: Well go 'head, girl. Spill!
Lauren: Mkay. So, me and my girls were on the main floor; throwin' money and dancing. We all had a few drinks, but I didn't have as much as them because someone had to be responsible. Anyway, out of nowhere, some bouncer-lookin' guy came up to Stella-
Michelle: Who's Stella?
Nicki: Girl, shush!
Lauren: One of my friends... But yeah, he came up to us talkin' 'bout, "Your presence has been requested in the V.I.P section..."

Flashback (Lauren's POV)

Stella: *glares* Oh, no no honey, I don't work here.
BG: I know that ma'am, I work here. One of our guests asked that I come down and ask if you'd like to join her in V.I.P.?
Stella: *surprised* A woman?

We all craned our necks trying to see who this mystery woman was, since we knew Destiny's Child and Nicki Minaj were here. Stella looked at all of us in question and we just shrugged and nodded.

Lauren: Go 'head. Ima come get you in a lil'.
Stella: Shiiit, take yo time! *pushes up cleavage*

I rolled my eyes as she followed the security guy up to V.I.P. I danced with my other two friends until the DJ announced 15 minutes to last call. Deciding that now would be an appropriate time to get Stella, I told my girls where I was going and to stay put. Bypassing security, I made my way up there and almost fell out.

Lauren: *laughing in shock* Oh my GOD!

Stella was straddling Beyoncé's lap, in the middle of a heated make-out session. When I yelled, they slowly detached from each other's faces and turned to look at me.

Stella: *slurring* I can...I can...exclaim.
Bey: Ohhhh shit. She yours?
Lauren: *confused* What?! No! I mean, she's just one of my bestfriends. I came to get her so we can go, so...
Bey: Actualllly...
Stella: But Lalaaa, it's Beyonccccé! *points dramatically* Can you...can you belieeeve she wants to..to FUCK me?! ME?! She said so!

I looked at Beyoncé and she had that look. Slow blinking, pupils dialated, her mouth parted slightly and her eyes were fixated (as much as they could be in her current state) on Stella's lips as she spoke. Beyoncé was drunk. And-

Lauren: *sternly* Stella! Stella, what did you give her?!
Stella: Huh? *looks around*
Lauren: *grabs her face* I'm not fuckin' witchu. What y'all on? E?
Stella: I don't knowww.
Lauren: Don't make me slap you! Look at her! *points*
Stella: Ok, ok! I maaaaybe mightaaaa...mighta brought some molly wit' me tonight.

Everyone: WHAT?!
Lauren: *shrugs* That's what she said. And I know her, she would never slip anyone anythin' or nothin' like dat.

We all turn to look at Beyoncé, who sat there with her mouth open and eyes wide.

Michelle: *turns back to me* Ok...continue.
Lauren: Ok. So I got tight real quick...

I raised my hand to slap her.

Stella: But, but wait! She took it on her ownnn... I swear. And it was onllly a half! By da way girl, you workin' dat dressss!

At that moment, a guard came in and asked us if we'd like assistance getting to the car. I knew they were turnt, so I agreed. I looked for Cyn and Mary, but I couldn't really see anything. Lucky no one recognized Beyoncé as we pushed through the crowd and eventually we made it outside. I turned to say something to Stella, only to see that no one was behind me anymore. There was a large crowd near the doors, gathered in a wide circle, hooting and carrying on.

I started to walk towards it, but before I could reach it, four security guys emerged from it and motioned me to go around the back of the building. Two of them were carrying Beyoncé and Stella. I just hopped in the limo next to Beyoncé and checked my phone to see I had a text from Mary saying they basically forgot about us and do we need a ride. I texted a no, and looked up to see Beyoncé looking at Stella weird, like she didn't recognize her. Then after a minute, Stella shrugged, then crawled into Bey's lap again.

Kelly: Oh yeaaah! I do remember that part. Where Stella at anyway?
Nicki: Look, I just wanted to know who fucked who.
Sol: Wait, I think I passed her on the couch downstairs.
Nicki: *waves hand impatiently* Ok, so?
Lauren: *blushing* Well me and you *looks at Nicki* made out for a while, but then you passed out.
Nicki: *disappointed* Damn it!
Bey: But you and I...?
Lauren: Yeah, we fucked. You were so out of it, though.
Kelly: Whatchu mean?
Lauren: *glances at Bey* Well, for one, she kept callin' me-
Bey: *eyes widen, remembering* *blurts* Robyn.

Everyone turned to look at her again.

Lauren: Yeah.
Kelly: *laughing* I bet you couldn't wait to get Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj in dat bed!
Lauren: *blushes* *rambling* No! Um, I mean, well...Stella convinced me to come here with her but she ended up passin' out and you all kinda left me to bring her *points to Bey* to her room and when we got up here, Nicki was already in the bed! So I...I woke her up so she could scoot over, then Beyoncé started strippin' and she wanted me to stay, and then Nicki-
Bey: Ooook, we get it!

It was silent as everyone took a moment to process.

Nicki: Ssso, just to clarify-
Bey: No, Onika! We did not fuck!



A little later, when I felt it was safe enough for me to get up from the floor without throwing up and/or passing out, we all went downstairs to put something in our stomachs. Those of us who hadn't showered already, went to take one. I shared with Nicki since she felt like being extra clingy today.

We were in the shower washing each other up. This idiot had accidentally gotten soap in my eye, and she was laughing at me as I cussed her out blindly. I heard the shower door open, and Nicki suddenly stopped laughing. I turned my head in her direction, opening my eyes cautiously.

Bey: Onika, what-
Nicki: *nervously* B-beyoncé...

She was looking at something over my shoulder and she looked terrified. I turned around fast, and was met with the sight of my mother standing two feet away and she looked furious. I'd completely forgotten that she called me this morning. When I saw what she had in her hand, I attempted to jump away, but I wasn't fast enough, and her belt connected with the back of my thigh. I screamed bloody murder, and attempted to hide behind Nicki.

Bey: MAMA?!

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