Be With You

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I watched as our driver pulled up to this huge, beautiful building, connected to a bunch of smaller ones. If I didn't know any better, I'd think we were at some upscale resort in the middle of nowhere. But I did know better, and we were at a rehab the middle of nowhere. I threw my shades on pretending to be unimpressed with everything, as a pretty, twenty-something red head in Giuseppe's approached us at the entrance.

Woman: Welcome to Petro Paradise! My name is Jessica Hastings, and I will be your guide this afternoon. Shall we begin?

She showed us around, explaining shit and answering unasked questions. I was beginning to think she really liked the sound of her own voice. I kind of did too. Her body wasn't all that, but I'd deff fuck her face. I may be in love with a Queen, but I won't deny some of these peasants if they ask. Eventually we ended up back where we started.

Rorrey: *sighs* 'ow's yar security?
Hastings: Oh, no worries Mr. Fenty! Treatment is 100% confidential and Ms. Robyn will never have to worry about any unwanted visitors. We have an excellent security system and guards who rotate every 6hours-
Melissa: But nothin' to keep her from gettin' out?
Hastings: *surprised* Like most facilities, rehabilitation is optional. The last thing we want to do is make our patients feel trapped-
Rih: *smirks* I'll stay 'ere, den.
Rorrey/Mel: No!

I scowled.

Mel: We don't think this is exactly what we were looking for, but thank you for your time, Ms. Hastings.

I smirked again as we turned to walk away. Mel, Meg and Rorrey are getting frustrated because they are running out of time. Basically they have about a week to find me a place to detox for a month or else, it would have to wait until some time next year. I'm a busy girl. They don't want to wait, hence their frustration. They had already put me in two others before this, but I could not believe how easy it was to just walk out the front door. I laughed, as a man practically ran to catch up with us near the front entrance.

Man: Wait! Wait!

He was bent over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. I would've thought he was an escaped patient if it weren't for his obviously expensive suit. Oh, and also the employee badge. Rorrey cleared his throat.

Rorrey: Yes?
Man: Hi! *shakes everyone's hands* I am Justin Petrov, and I manage this particular facility. It is a family owned business, as you probably know...Petro Paradise...

I rolled my eyes. What does he want?

Mel: Hi...Mr. Petrov. Excuse my candor, *Rih snorted* but is there a point to this?
Petrov: Ah, yes. Yes! No worries, I tend to ramble. But I just heard from Jessica that you had a problem with our security?
Mel: I'll be blunt. We were looking for a more...*glances at Rih* secure facility. To prevent anymore escape attempts. We're on a month's time limit and so far, we've got nothing.
Petrov: *brightens* Actually, maybe we can help. If you will follow me, ladies and gentleman.

Rorrey, Mel and Meg all shrugged and followed, after a second Mel fell back and dragged me behind them.

Petrov: A lot of employees don't know much about it, and it's definitely not in our brochures. We call this program I.D. Which only means "Intense Detox". It's not much of a name, but the most child-friendly nickname it has been given by recovered patients is "Hell Month". It's 25 days of intense detox and therapy, with 5 days of recovery. Would you like to hear more about it?

I didn't. But they did.

Two Weeks Later

Rih: Bey, I'm cold. Tell dem to t-turn d'eat up.
Bey: *speaking sofly & soothingly* Robyn, I just spoke to Ellis and he said they put it up to 80. Any hotter would be detrimental-
Rih: I c-can't...
Bey: You can't what, Ro?
Rih: C-can you sing to me a-again?

I heard what happened between her and Jay the day after I was admitted. That bitch ass nigga knows better than to touch my woman.

I've been here for nearly thirteen days, and I've had them call her everyday. She just started picking up four days ago. The phone in my room only has two buttons. One to pick up calls, the other, to call a cleaner. I call them "cleaners" because they are basically robots who change my sweaty bedsheets and occasionally clean up vomit.

I'm only really let out of this room to go eat, shower and to meet with my counselor to make sure I haven't gone insane. I have my own half bathroom, and there's just a bed, a little night stand and an average sized window (sealed closed of course), high up on the wall. They take my vitals and give me my meds in here. It's mostly vitamins and shit, but I guess they found out I stopped taking the olanzapine because I'd recognized that pill immediately on my first day. Ironically, I stopped taking it because I didn't want to become dependant.

I'm allowed visitors twice a week; Mondays and Thursdays for an hour. I've had visits from Mel, Keke, Mama (who I heard was inconsolable when she found out. Probably because of my father), my brothers and sister, Solange too. Even my annoying ass assistant Meg managed to brighten my day. But Bey has yet to show her beautiful face. I can live with just hearing her voice for a while.

Bey: Whatchu wanna hear this time?
Rih: *smiles* Surprise m-me?
Bey: Well, *hesitates* there was this song I was workin' on...
Rih: W-what's it 'bout? Or should I s-say 'who'?
Bey: *kisses teeth* No one.
Rih: *yells* Bey!
Bey: What?!
Rih: *lowers voice seductively* Ooh, it's a l-love song, yeh?
Bey: You wanna hear it or not?
Rih: *giggles* Ok, ok. G-go 'ead.
Bey: Ok, and you betta not laugh either!
Rih: *laughs* Ok.
Bey: You swear?
Rih: If I'm l-lyin', I'm dyin'! Sing!

I waited patiently for her to take a deep breath, and finally she began.

I don't have a reason to cry,

And I have every reason to smile.

And I don't have a reason to lie,

When you already readin' my mind.

And I don't have a reason to be,

If I can't be wit' you.

And I don't need air in my lungs,

If I can't sing yo' song.

No, I don't need hands, if I-

Don't get to keep you warm.

I chuckled.

And I don't really need myself,

If I don't need you.

Her voice cracked and my eyes began to well up.

'Cause darlin' I wake up just to sleep wit' you.

I open my eyes, so I can see wit' ya.

And I live, so I can...die wit' you...

By the time she finished singing, my tears had spilled over and we were both sniffling quietly. She was the first to speak.

Bey: That's as far as I got.
Rob: It's b-beautif-ful.


Bey: Rob, you know how I feel about you but I just can't...Not now.
Rih: I-I know.

The phone beeped; letting us know we had less than five minutes left.

Bey: Um *sniffs* Blue misses you.
Rih: I'll be b-back soon, BeyBey.
Bey: *clears throat* She doesn't like not seeing you for so long. She thinks you're still on vacation.
Rih: I miss y-you too, Baby.
Bey: Robyn. Don't. I'm about to let you go now.
Rih: O-ok. I lo-ove you too, Beyoncé.

A/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mkay. Honestly we knew this chapter had to happen. I might drop the next one later tonight. Keep the votes and comments coming (I love those)!

- Joao

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