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I turned to see Blue running through the livingroom straight for Robyn, who turned around and scooped her up and swung her about.

Rih: You 'ave fun at TT's, Princess?
Blue: *smiles* Where Mama?

I stepped forward into her line of sight and she wiggled out of Robyn's arms to give me a proper 'hello'. Nicki came in a little out of breath and playfully glared at Blue who pouted.

Rih: *smirks* Arthritis actin' up, OxyRub?
Nicki: *annoyed* Don't you have somethin' else to do right now?
Rih: Like what?
Nicki: Drugs!
Rih: Jeez. Who pissed down ya throat?
Bey: Nicki.
Nicki: She started it and it's too hot out for me to be dealin' wit' Rehabilitation's mess today.
Rih: It's like 60!
Bey: Yo. What I say, Nicki?

She kissed her teeth and then returned her focus back to Blue and walked over to us.

Nicki: I told you no runnin'. You could've hurt yourself, Baby.
Blue: I sorry, TT.

Nicki's face softened and she kissed Blue's cheek making her smile widely.

Nicki: It's ok, Baby. I luh you, Binky.
Blue: I luh you, 'Icky.
Nicki: *wags finger playfully* Alright, now. I done told you 'bout alla dat.

Blue giggled again and Robyn wandered off somewhere, most likely to check on Rohan. I put Blue down and she predictably scampered off after Robyn. I couldn't even be jealous, it's way too cute.

Bey: Thank you for watchin' her.
Nicki: Eh, any time. Before you ask, I ain't stayin'. I got a "lunch date" *rolls eyes* wit' Meek.
Bey: First of all, ew. And second of all, I'm makin' oxtail for Rob, Rohan, and Blue. But if you really gotta go-
Nicki: Rohan here too?
Bey: Dat's what I said.

She pulled out her phone, typing something while I laughed.

Nicki: Meek ain't nobody. His ass was prolly gon' be late anyway.


I was in the middle of watching Blue wash herself in the tub since she won't let me help her tonight, when she leant forward to grab a toy and I caught sight of something on her lower back. I tapped her shoulder, interrupting whatever she was saying to her toy truck and she turned to me.

Bey: Baby?
Blue: Yeah, Mama?
Bey: What's that bruise on yo' back?
Blue: Booze?
Bey: You got a mark on your back. Did you fall?
Blue: Um...

She gave me a look that took me a second to recognize. Apprehension.

Blue: I not know, Mama.
Bey: Baby, what did Deda tell you about lyin'?
Blue: Um, it's bad.
Bey: Das right. Now, tell me what happened.

She looked away and splashed her feet a little in the water. I tapped the side of the tub to get her to focus on me. What was she so scared of?

Blue: I don' wanna get in tuble.
Bey: You won't get in trouble, I promise.
Blue: You not gon' be mad?
Bey: No, baby. What happened?
Blue: *sighs* Him kick me.
Bey: Who kicked you?
Blue: Um..
Bey: It's ok, Baby. Tell me.
Blue: *whispers* Meat.
Bey: *confused* Who?
Blue: TT friend. Meat.
Bey: Ohhhh, ok. Why did he kick you?

She sniffled a little, rubbing her eyes as my blood boiled. Meek hit my baby?! I took a deep breath so she wouldn't hear the stress in my voice.

Bey: Hey, don't cry. Whateva happened, I promise I won't be mad at you.
Blue: 'C-cause him say I eat all TT's cookies an' I g-gonna be fat all ova an' I tell 'im I don' like h-him an' den 'im kick me when I wah lay d-down. I say sorry, Mama! I did!
Bey: It's ok, Baby. He never should have hit you. Why didn't you tell TT?
Blue: Him say I in tuble i-if I t-telled TT or Mama o-or my Dedas.

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