Much Ado About Nothing

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Libra seasonnnnnn!! My birthday was the 5th and I see alot of y'all have October birthdays too, so Happy Birthday to y'all...Check this video out. My girl sent it to me on my bday lmao soo cute, yo.

Nicki POV

I walked up my front steps with Cyn trailing behind me. I had planned to go back to Bey's house today right after the studio to meet little man, but Papi called. So instead I went and picked her up from the airport.

As soon as I opened the door, my maid Marisol greeted us. She's rarely here, but I need to make sure the house is in tip-top shape whenever I know Cyn is coming around. Which is funny because she is shamelessly messy as Hell.

Marisol: Good Morning, Ms. Maraj and Ms. Santana.
Nicki/Cyn: Good Morning, Marisol!
Marisol: Oh! Ms. Maraj, a dozen roses were delivered here about two hours ago. I placed the bouquet on the dining room table, but I can-
Nicki: *beams* Oh don't you worry about that, I got it!

A couple days ago, before Cyn left on business, I stayed the night at her condo and woke up to find a fresh bouquet on the nightstand on my side of the bed. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever; I do love roses. I grabbed her hand and speed-walked into the dining room, spinning on my heel.

Nicki: Ba...

There was a moment when she hadn't yet realized I'd turned around and she looked... anxious.

Nicki: Hey, you ok?

She schooled her features into a bright smile and pecked my lips.

Cyn: Yeah. *clears throat* Yes, of course Babe. What was you gonna say?

Maybe I read too much into it. I shook it off as we approached the table.

Nicki: I was gonna say you gotta stop spoilin' me. But then I remembered how amazing I am, so forget it. Oooh, what's this?

I noticed a note sticking out of the flowers but before I could reach for it, Cyn yanked it out and crumpled it up. I tried to grab it but she swatted my hand away.

Nicki: *frowning* Babyyy, come on! Gimme.
Cyn: Nah. It's um.. it was a super cheesy ass note I had them type out when I didn't think I was gonna see you tonight, but um, I'm here now and it would be way too embarrassing for you to read it infront of me. So...
Nicki: Ok. Thennnn, I'll go read it upstairs.
Cyn: *shakes head* That's ok.
Nicki: Come on, please?
Cyn: Nah, chill.
Nicki: Pretty please?
Cyn: No! What part of the word "no" don't you understand?!

I jumped and narrowed my eyes.

Cyn: I mean, *quietly* no. It's like, really sweet and shit. Too sweet. Next time, I promise.

I studied her face. Why is she- Her lips asssulted mine suddenly. I moaned into her mouth, granting her tongue access to explore. Her hands snaked their way down from the sides of my face, to around my waist, right down to my ass, giving my cheeks a hard slap. I moaned again, knowing what she wants and I'm all too eager to give it.

Nicki: Ight now, Daddy. *bites lip* Let's at least make it to the bedroom this time.
Cyn: Lead the way.



I woke up to small kisses repeatedly being placed on my lips, and my eyes fluttered open as I kissed back. The way the light hit her eyes, they looked like sparkling emeralds. She pulled away to smile at me and I smiled back.

Rih: *whispers* Ya breath stink.
Bey: *whispers back* You're an ass.

She giggled and leaned back down giving me a much longer kiss. When we pulled away it was my turn to giggle goofily.

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