You Da One

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I'd gotten home an hour ago. As I suspected, Bey was asleep so I set Blue up in the living room and went to chill on the back porch. Mel called me, interrupting my selfie session. She was rambling about absolutely nothing as usual when I cut her off.

Rih: I'm gonna ask Bey to marry me.
Mel: ...I told her it could be crabs, but she- wait, what?!

I took a deep breath. I honestly didn't even mean to say that, it just came out.

Rih: I said-
Mel: Bitch, I heard you!
Rih: *frustrated* Okkk?
Mel: Don't get me wrong, I mean, I'm happy for you! But what brought dis on? Finally tired of whoring around?
Rih: I don't know. An' you 'ave no room to talk so shut da fuck up. Anyway, I was talkin' to Mama earlier, an' I jus'... I know dis is what I want. As soon as possible. Neither one of us are goin' anywhere, so why wait? You know?
Mel: Yeah... So when you poppin' the question?
Rih: *excited* Tonight, maybe!
Mel: You got a ring aready?

Oh fuck! How could I forget about that? I checked the time and realized it was too late to go look for one now.

Rih: Shit, no! Come wit' me tomorrow mornin' to go ring shoppin'.

My eyes widened as I got another idea.

Rih: Yo! We should 'ave a lil' get togedda. Not alot of people; maybe thirty or forty... Like everyone dat was at d'cookout. Ima book a hall though; don' feel like cleanin' up afta people...
Mel: Ughhh you know I hate wakin' up before 11! An' now you want all this extra shit in one day?
Rih: *rolls eyes* Mel, you 'ate everythin'! Pleaaase? Dis is very important to me an' I need my best woman's assistance. You ain't gonna 'ave to do everything. I got Meg too, ya know.

I smirked when I heard Mel curse under her breath.

Mel: Whatever.
Rih: *chipper* Be ready by 7:30. We got alot to do tomorrow.
Mel: *sighs* I fuckin' hate you, bye.
Rih: Love you too!

After hanging up with her, I called Meg and explained what I needed her to do. Which was everything but buying the ring. I decided to hold the get together the day after tomorrow, just so we'd have enough time to get everything done. I texted Nicki and Solange so they can let their people know. I took a minute to calm my nerves before I called Mama Tina, who immediately gave her blessing. There's a good chance that she's more excited than I am.

I must've been outside alot longer than I anticipated because when I came in, I saw Bey in the kitchen making a salad. I went over to the counter where she was chopping tomatoes and hugged her from behind, kissing her cheek.

Rih: Aye, Baby. 'Ow long you been up?

She stopped and turned around to give me a full kiss on the lips.

Bey: 'Bout an hour or so.

I let her go and went to the fridge to get a water, sitting down on the other side of the island. She spoke without looking up, continuing to cut up vegetables.

Bey: So. Y'all have fun today?
Rih: Yep! Princess was a good girl all day. Tim is like 'er new bestfriend.
Bey: Mm. You know...Blue mentioned somethin' soo funny earlier...

I watched her slam the knife down against the wooden chopping board harder each time. She still wasn't looking at me.

Rih: Oh?
Bey: Yep.

It was silent for a moment as I waited for her to elaborate. All I could focus on was the sharpness of that knife and how she was chopping vegetables like they stole her bestfriend.

Rih: You gon' tell me what-
Bey: *stops & looks at Rih* She said that her and Deda were playing in the music room wit' Tim and some lady. She said she was really pretty and she kept touching Deda...
Rih: Babe-
Bey: I asked her how the pretty lady touched Deda...
Rih: *confused & nervous* Wh-
Bey: She said "the way you touch Deda sometimes."

I just sat there. I mean, sure Keri was a bit...handsy. But she was a nice woman, and she's probably like that with everyone.

The only reason I didn't want to mention Keri to Bey was because Bey can hold a grudge forever and I wasn't trying to hear it. It's really not a big deal that she's an affectionate person.

Bey: Andddd *laughs* it was soo funny because, Blue and I know all yo' peoples.
Rih: Right...
Bey: *grips knife tighter* Who was this pretty lady, Robyn?
Rih: *eyes knife* You gon' put dat down first?
Bey: What? No, I'm usin' it. Answer the question.
Rih: She was a writer Tim wanted me to work wit'.
Bey: *resumes chopping* Oh. What's her name?
Rih: *deep breath* Keri.

She put the knife down and glared at me.

Bey: Keri...what?
Rih: Um, Hilson.

Bey picked the knife up and started waving it around, cursing in English and French about disrespectful whores. It was hot, but I still backed up a little; she was making me nervous for real.

Rih: Babe! ..Baby!... Beyoncé, calm da fuck down before Blue 'ear you!
Bey: Da fuck you mean?! I AM calm!
Rih: Ok, ya calm. Jus' put d'knife down, please.
Bey: Fuck you! I already called Tim and he been told me who she was!
Rih: *confused* So why you ask if you knew?

She just stared at me for a minute like I had six heads. I don't understand.

Bey: Wow. You really don't get it.
Rih: Get what?! Ya forcin' dis. Y'all shit 'appened years ago. She still a good writer an' it's jus' business. Come on, Baby...
Bey: Listen, I understand this is business. I get that. But let me find out-
Rih: 'Ere you go...
Bey: Yes! Here da FUCK I go, Mothafucka. Any funny shit-
Rih: Why you actin' like I'm sneakin' bitches?
Bey: Lemme ask you dis... Were you plannin' on tellin' me about her?
Rih: Um...
Bey: Does she know we togetha?
Rih: What? No. I didn't know if you'd be comfortable wit' me tellin' 'er.
Bey: Yeah, I'm sure dat's the only reason!
Rih: I don' even know what's goin' on right now.

She slammed the tip of the knife into the wooden board and I watched her finish preparing her salad before walking towards the living room.

Bey: You are soo full of shit! Remember I got eyes everywhere now, Robyn. She try anything wit' you, Ima cut her up and set her snake-lookin' ass on fire. And make no mistake, you will be next.

She turned away and I stepped forward and grabbed her before she could walk out. I pushed her backwards against the wall and leaned into her face.

Rih: I would never do you dirty like dat, an' you know it. Because you ...*grabs Bey's face gently* you are an angel. My angel. My everythin'. Ever since I got clean, I been seein' shit clearer. You d'only woman I need, d'only woman I want. I have killed for you. Say da word an' I'd kill a hunnit more niggas for you. I love you.

She leaned up and kissed me passionately, slipping that tongue right in. She can never stay mad at me.

Bey: I love you too.

I slapped her ass and she moaned.

Bey: Don't start no shit, Da-Robyn! Blue is in the next room watchin' tv.
Rih: Ight. You lucky Blue saved you, 'cause I was 'bout to diiiiiive iiin!
Bey: *giggles* Oh my God, you corny!
Rih: Yeah, I'm corny but you betta have my pussy open an' ready for me later.
Bey: *bites lip* Yes, Daddy.

After she left, I stood there staring at the knife embedded in the cutting board for a good five minutes, trying to reel in my arousal. Oh, I'm definitely wifing that.

A/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might drop another one tonight to make up for my absense. Now lemme go read y'all updates.

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