Chapter Four

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    "Honey, my goodness." Destiny's mother, a shorter version of her. Light skin, curly hair pulled back tight into a bun. She was dressed as if she'd come to Aubrey's house straight from church, in a cute navy blue and white polka-dot dress. She knelt down so that she could brush hair out of her daughter's eyes.

    Destiny raised her head and looked around. She hadn't been dreaming. She really was surrounded by her friends and family, in addition to a very concerned-looking Aubrey. "You're all here."

    Her mother broke out into a smile. "It was a surprise that Aubrey planned for you. He explained that you had a hard time in Toronto and needed the comfort of your family."

    "So of course, we dropped everything and flew right over," her father chimed in. His skin was several shades darker than her mother's, a rich chocolate color. He surveyed his surroundings. "This house sure is something."

    "I wish I could take all of the credit," Aubrey said from near the patio door. "The house was already designed by the time I got it. I didn't change much. I didn't really see a need to."

    "Most mansions I see look too pretty for my tastes," Destiny's father remarked. "But this place has a nice, strong feel to it. It has personality."

    Aubrey gave a curt nod. "I appreciate that."

    Aubrey explained that he and I had a "hard time in Toronto," she mused while her parents expressed their appreciation for the house they were standing in. If only you knew the details. She slowly sat up. "I missed all of you so much."

    "I can tell from how often you called," Candace muttered, rolling her eyes. Only the smile she flashed at the end of the eye roll clued into the fact that she was only half-serious. "So how are you?" Her gaze shifted to Aubrey. "You can't be having that too hard of a time, with the company you're keeping."

    Jasmine nudged her in the ribs.

    Candace's mouth dropped open and she rubbed at her ribs. "Ow. Damn, I was just saying."

    Destiny laughed. "I'm doing...better."

    Aubrey and Carlos exchanged knowing looks, but both remained silent.

    She shot a glance at them.

    Aubrey nodded.

    "I'm especially better with you all here," she said, standing from the couch.

    Her mother rose to her full height. "Are you sure?" she questioned, reaching up and pushing Destiny's hair behind her shoulders.

    Destiny nodded.

    "Did you want to talk about what you've been through?" her mother asked.

    Her eyes met Aubrey's again. How much did he tell them? she wondered. How much do they know? "Umm...I'm thinking now isn't the time. I'm more interested in hearing about how you've been. I've missed you all so much, so I want to get caught up on everything that's been happening with you."

    "I doubt it's nearly as interesting as what's been going on with you," Jasmine said with a smirk, twirling strands of hair around her index finger.

    Destiny grabbed a pillow from the couch and tossed it in Jasmine's direction.

    Jasmine squealed and caught the pillow before it could hit her in the face. "Okay, okay, no more innuendo from me - for now," she exclaimed, laughing.

    "I'm just waiting to hear why Carlos got an invite to stay with you in Toronto and here in California, while neither one of us got an invite," Candace said with another eye roll.

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