Chapter Ninety-Four

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    He lifted her on top of the balcony railing. The railing had a fairly wide ledge. At least one arm stayed around her at all times, holding her to him. Even when he pressed kisses to her chest and down to her stomach, his hands were firmly gripping her hips to keep her steady. Those kisses targeted her mid-section and circled her belly button before reaching the upper thighs she'd taken so much care in moisturizing just a little while ago.

    She cupped the back of his head in one hand and tilted her own head back. Her legs clamped around him as he eased back into a standing position. "This is the sloppiest training ever," she said breathlessly. "Allowing you to switch back and forth at will, without even considering my opinion."

    "Damned right disrespectful," he agreed, his arms sliding around her again. "You're right. I'm setting a horrible example."

    "You know that, but you keep going?"

    "I'm aware of the repercussions," he said.

    She shook her head. "No you're not."

    He cocked his head to the side.

    "Don't give me that look," she told him. "You are going against your own rules, and you must be punished accordingly."

    He leaned in close to her. "Can I please touch you?" he asked. "Have you had time to think about it?"

    "Don't try acting coy now," she said, laughing and rolling her eyes. "And you're already touching me."

    "This is not touching you," he murmured, squeezing her waist. "This is protecting you. Keeping you from falling over. Touching you would be more like this..." Keeping one arm around her waist, he brought the other hand inward and dipped it between her thighs.

    A barely audible moan escaped her lips.

    Slowly pulling his hand away, he said, "But you don't want to give me to permission to touch you, so I guess I can't-"

    She grabbed his hand and guided it between her thighs again. She did so while looking him in the eyes.

     Offering her a crooked smile, he slid two of his fingers inside her. "You don't want to take it easy?"


    "Is that a no?"

    "That's a no."

    He pulled her closer to him and roughly kissed her on the mouth. "Bad mommy," he growled against her lips. "We could hurt the baby."

    "The baby's got to be, like...the size of a pea," she murmured against his lips.

    "So you don't think he'll feel anything, huh?"


    Aubrey pulled back a little. "Yeah, 'he.' Jaxon."

    Emotion touched Destiny's eyes. "You heard me."

    "I heard you," he affirmed while still slowly working his fingers inside of her. "And I agree. It's pretentious with the 'ck.' I like it better spelled with 'x.'"

    She nodded slowly and looked away from him.

    "Keep your eyes on me," he said silkily. "I don't want to lose you."

    "You never will again," she whispered.

    Frowning, he shifted his head so that he was in her eye line. "Then come back to me."

    Her gaze returned to him. "I'm here."

    He withdrew his fingers from her and stared at her for a long moment. It was another one of those moments, and it was so beautiful that fingering her during it felt vulgar. So he wrapped both arms around her neck and pulled her to him. "I love you so fucking much."

    "I love you too." She'd almost said "Sir." Whenever she spoke the sentiment, it was usually punctuated by "Sir," so it must be automatic for her. Such a small detail, but one that made him love her even more.

    He buried his face in her neck, overwhelmed with the love that he felt for her.

    How long they stayed that way, he honestly couldn't say. But after awhile, he felt her hands moving between them, felt her legs wrapping around his hips. He felt his pants falling down, felt her hands wrapping around him and stroking him. Not for the first time, his dick jumped. It seemed to do that whenever she caught him by surprise.

    Raising his head and pointing a questioning look in her direction, he lowered one of his arms to her waist again.

    "Like I said, I'm the one in control," she told him, smiling prettily while sliding him inside of her.

    He groaned and pushed deeper inside of her while pulling her as close as she could physically be to him.

    She moaned and moved against him. Meeting every thrust with a little thrust of her own. Feeling so damned good he got light-headed while fucking her. Dazed and confused, by his sexy little muse. Even in the midst of pushing inside of her, he tried to remind himself to write that down, if he got the chance to. If he could ever remember. She filled his every thought, ruled his every action, though; the chances of him remembering that line were minute. Her eyes locked on his and she raised a hand to his throat.

    He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them and he was looking at her again. The touch she had on his throat was gentle. At first. While he gained momentum and started to pound into her though, her grip on his throat tightened, slowly but surely cutting off his air intake. That light-headed feeling came back, and this time for good reason. It didn't stop him from driving himself deeper into her, didn't stop him from grabbing her hips so hard that he was leaving handprints on her. Knowing that didn't stop him from slamming her pussy into him, through. It was crazy how he could be in her, completely in her as deep as he could be, and it still wasn't enough. He still wanted to go deeper, still wanted to feel more of her. While kissing her, he picked her up, wheeled her around, and carried her into the bedroom where he slammed her against the nearest wall and tore into her.

    She screamed, and it was music to his ears. His alto baby transforming into a soprano before his very lust-filled eyes. Her legs tightened around him, and he dug his fingers into her ass, into her shoulders, into her breasts, whatever he could get them on. Or in. Or around. He wanted to touch every inch, taste every inch.

    After spilling inside of her, he carried her to the bed and laid her down on it. His first urge had been to throw her onto it, but he tried to rein himself in. There was a baby in there, after all. One that she claimed was the size of a pea. For her sake, and the baby's sake, he hoped that to be true. Because he wasn't holding back, even a little bit when he was inside of her. And when they were both completely spent, and didn't have the energy to thrust, he was kissing his way down to her thighs and pulling her hips to the edge of the bed. Both of them were covered in a fine sheen of sweat; hers smelled like vanilla. He didn't stop to think what his smelled like. Tom Ford, most likely. Whatever he smelled like, it couldn't be bad, because he wasn't the only one kissing and licking and tasting. Her lips aimed to touch every inch of him, just as his aimed to touch every inch of her.

    They found a position where they could both taste each other simultaneously, and he was reminded of a lyric that he'd penned himself...

    The square root of 69 is 8/ate something...right?

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