Chapter Ninety-Nine

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    The weeks seemed to bleed together. Over time, Aubrey began to take Destiny's training of him more seriously. He joked less and followed instructions more. He catered to her every whim, even when their play was relocated to the refurnished play room below the main floor. She spoke on the fact that she felt limited with the ways she could punish him, seeing as she couldn't go the traditional route with spanking, paddling, or flogging. That didn't stop her from finding creative ways of torturing him, teasing him with her mouth and then walking away to leave him in agony, or riding him until he was close to cumming, only to leave him with his hands cuffed behind his back.

    Some of their sessions were filmed. They'd watch afterwards, while tangled with each other. They would alternate between watching themselves on the video footage and touching each other. Life imitating art imitating life imitating blissful fantasy.

    She managed to balance the new website she was working on, wedding planning, tending to the house, and tending to their training sessions with ease. His kind of woman, because that was one hell of a balancing act. It was a wonder that she wasn't exhausted by the end of each day, but she seemed to have a neverending amount of energy. After training, they would lie side by side in bed, just talking. Planning out their future.

    He ran ideas past her, asking what she'd think if he set out to do one more explosive tour to cap off his career. Then he asked her what she thought about him taking over OVOFest again.

    "OVOFest was always yours," she told him. "I don't know why you'd ever give that up."

    "With running Graham Enterprises, I just didn't have the time," he explained. "I had my team managing it, and then they had their own families and their own shit to take care of. OVOFest is a much bigger beast than anyone knows. It takes a lot of effort to plan it, a lot of effort to synchronize everything, and even when you think you have everything wrapped up in a perfect little bow, something fucks it all up. An artist has to drop out for whatever reason, and an artist of a matching success level has to be added in his place - and the random drop-outs always happen at the very last minute, making it hard to coordinate scheduling with anyone. I handled a lot of that on my own, because it took me calling in favors sometimes for the bigger name artists to actually agree to do it. Once the city took it over, it was just...never the same. Didn't have the same amount of heart, as much as I love my city. There was something missing."

    "Someone missing," she corrected. "You. You were the heart of OVOFest. Do I think you should take it back? Absolutely."

    He flashed a quick, sad smile.

    "Even more than that, I think the city would be glad to turn the festival back over to you," she predicted. "The fact that you were hosting it gave it some sort of value. People flew out from all around the world just to see it. You being there benefits the city, but you hosting it will increase those benefits exponentially."

    "Exponentially," he murmured, cuddling up next to her. "Good word."

    She smiled and lowered the book she'd been reading. "How is the music going?"

    "It's going well," he responded, caressing her belly with one hand. "Better than well. I really missed working on music consistently. I've been writing here and there, but I haven't sat at a piano in months."

    "I haven't sat at a piano with you in longer than that," she said softly, reminiscing.

    He gave a shark-toothed grin. "Reliving know I'm a fan of that."

    She smiled. "We'll have to relive that one soon."

    With a sigh, he fell onto his back and angled an arm behind his head. He stared up at the ceiling, lapsing into silence.

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