More Life: Chapter Thirty-Seven

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    Even though the location and some of the circumstances had changed, the rule that no one could call back home was still in effect. That rule even extended to the FBI agents; the only calls they could make were to each other, the local FBI office and their office back in the States if absolutely necessary. 

    The vibe of the main house was so different from the stakeout house. The stakeout house was pure chaos. The main house felt like a vacation AirBnB. Calm, relaxing with the best views of the water. Quiet. It was just large enough for everyone to stay out of each other's way, if they wanted to. 

    Rooms were assigned. Carlos complained for all of three minutes about getting the smallest room of the bunch; then he bit his own tongue and simmered down.

    Aubrey and Destiny settled into the largest room in the house, and immediately started to unpack. Whenever Aubrey moved past her, he'd trail fingers along her forearm, or across the nape of her neck. Once, he came to stand behind her so he could hold her and kiss her shoulder. 

    The feel of his lips on her skin brought back a rush of emotions and memories. Hot and heavy memories from a time when they weren't on the run from those who wanted to harm them. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, as she remembered what it felt like to be spanked by him. Roughly handled. How had so much time passed before she'd remembered the feel of crawling to him? The feeling of a heavy collared leash encasing her neck with cold metal chains draped down the length of her body. Her eyes slowly slid sideways in search of him.

    He was innocently hanging dress shirts in the closet. The t-shirt he currently wore did nothing to conceal the thick, corded muscles bulging in his arms. 

    The blush that touched her cheeks this time also touched the rest of her body. We've been through so much. There's so much we still have to make it through. But...right now, in this moment, I want him so badly. While watching him hang his clothes in the closet, she quietly started to undress.

    He hummed a tune to a song she'd never heard before. 

    So beautiful was that tune, she paused for a moment while undressing. How long had she gone without hearing that beautiful voice of his? Her clothes silently dropped to the floor in a heap around her feet.

    "I hate to admit it, but I kind of missed Carlos's sense of humor," Aubrey admitted.

    "Really?" she asked, trying not to laugh.

    "Without you, he...just wasn't the same. He still joked, but...I don't know. It was different."

    "I wasn't the same, either."

    He ran a hand down the length of the last dress shirt before hanging it up. "I was a mess without you. You're never allowed to leave me again, even by force."

    "A command I look forward to obeying, Sir," she said, waiting for him to turn before lowering to her knees.

    His Adam's apple bounced in his throat, an involuntary action she found pure delight in. "My, my," he said, his voice lowering several octaves. "Come to Daddy. You know how."

    The fire igniting in her belly confirmed that she did, indeed know how. She fell forward onto her hands and seductively crawled to him.

    "Every time I've tried to give you an official period of training, we've been rudely interrupted by one tragedy or another. It's such a shame." He lowered into a squat as she approached him and rested two fingers beneath her chin. With his eyes exploring every inch of her body that was visible to him, he tilted her chin up so she could look him in the eyes. "I promise you that when we have the opportunity, we'll make up for lost time. One question I have for you, though?"

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