More Life: Chapter Three

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    "Leaving so soon?" Carlos quipped when he saw Chubbs exiting the hospital room.

    "Headed to the police department to get some answers about what happened to our girl," Chubbs stated and made as if to move around him. He was tall and brown-skinned with a perfectly groomed beard.

    Carlos raised his hand and pressed it to Chubbs's chest.

    Chubbs gave a pointed look at Carlos's hand. "I suggest you move that."

    "I'm...sorry," Carlos apologized awkwardly. "But I must come with you."

    "I need to go solo on this," Chubbs said. He moved around Carlos and strode down the hospital corridor.

    Carlos followed him for a few steps, and circled around him so that he was facing him again. "I'll let you do all of the talking," he promised. "I won't get in the way."

    "When do you ever let anyone else do all of the talking?" Chubbs asked, sounding genuinely curious.

    "Not often, but...I would this time."

    Chubbs crossed his arms over his chest.

    Carlos sighed and glanced away from him. "Look...I know I can be annoying. Okay? I know I'm...wild and crazy and shit. But this is serious. Destiny is my best friend, and the feeling might not be mutual, but I consider Aubrey a friend. I owe it to the both of them to figure out what the hell happened."

    "You wouldn't prefer for me to find out and report back to you?"

    "I'd rather hear it straight from the horse's mouth," Carlos said. "No offense."

    "For once, I agree with Carlos," came a booming voice from behind Chubbs. Aubrey slid his arms into the sleeves of his suit jacket and adjusted the garment across his shoulders.

    Carlos stared at him with his mouth agape. "Are you sure you're ready for discharge? You were majorly out of it in there - I mean, completely understandable of course. If you need to stay a little longer though, Chubbs and I got this."

    Aubrey gave a slow shake of his head while adjusting the cuffs of his suit jacket. "I can only lay here and sulk for so long. I need answers. And I need to see her."

    Carlos's face twisted in agony at the thought of seeing the corpse of his best friend. "As long as you feel like you're up to it."

    Chubbs looked equally as concerned. "Maybe you should leave it to me, Aubs."

    "No." Aubrey looked his friend in the eyes, daring him to challenge him again.

    Backing down immediately, Chubbs shrugged.

    The ride to the police precinct was a quiet one, with Aubrey staring out of the window.

    Since Carlos had promised to keep his mouth shut, he used the car ride as practice.

    The police precinct was busy, which was to be expected for Los Angeles. Officers walked back and forth and conferred with each other. Even their water cooler conversations looked to be work-related.

    Aubrey looked so out of place standing just in front of the double doors leading outside. He took in his surroundings, his dark brown eyes sad.

    Carlos couldn't help but feel for him. His heart clenched at the thought of losing the person he loved most in this world. Everything those two had been through, everything those two had sacrificed for each other. I lost her too, he had to remind himself. But I still don't even believe she's gone, if I'm being honest with myself. I'm not just here for answers. I'm here for proof that she's no longer here with us.

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