More Life: Chapter Forty-Three

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    The voice at the other end of the line was gravelly. Possibly rough from screaming, or rough from exhaustion. Background noise of others shouting and carrying on nearly drowned his voice out. Somehow, that voice pierced through the shouts and sounds of metal clanking against metal. "You've done my team a great service. Thank you."

    "It was easier than I thought," Agent Rory Macally responded while packing his clothes into a large, black suitcase. "But the next step will be for them to figure out who did this. I'm taking off."

    "Taking off?" the voice at the other end of the line echoed. Then, there was a low, disturbing chuckle. "You're not going anywhere. We're just getting started."

    Rory froze mid-pack and straightened his posture. Turning and walking over to the window of his hotel room, he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

    "I didn't call you so we could gloat and celebrate one minor success," the voice said. "This call is so I can personally give you your next assignment."

    The fine hairs on the back of Rory's neck rose and the blood in his veins cooled. "What...what would my next assignment be?"

    There was a long pause at the other end of the line, but more sounds of ruckus in the background. "Consider where I am right now," the voice said finally. "Consider who put me here and what those people would deserve. Now, consider the person who would give those people what they deserve. You would be that person."

    Rory frowned. "We never discussed this."

    "Plans change."

    "Something tells me this was your plan all along," Rory accused.

    "I guess you're not as dim of a bulb as I thought you were," the voice said in a jovial tone. 

    Rory's eyes narrowed. "What you're asking...I can't do that."

    "I'm not asking. Let me know when it's done." Click.

    Rory turned around in a small circle. What the fuck? he wondered. 


    "While you two are unwillingly in your PornHub era, we are still staying in this house...why, again?" Carlos asked from his flamingo floatie.

    Trying her best to relax poolside, Destiny shrugged. "I don't know. Staying here doesn't feel right. We should leave." She turned and gave Aubrey a look.

    Aubrey scratched at his right temple. "We can't just go rogue on this. We have to follow Darius's orders."

    "Why?" Carlos piped up from the pool.

    "Because his intentions are good and he really is just trying to keep us safe," Aubrey replied.

    "How do we know Darius isn't the leak?" Carlos questioned.

    Aubrey frowned at him..

    Carlos spread his arms wide. "What, I'm the only one who considered that? It's thriller movie elementary. The bad guy always winds up being the person you'd least expect. Darius has kept really close to you guys, and you think it's because he really cares for you and then boom - all of a sudden we dig up a picture of him standing next to Palmer or some shit."

    Destiny weighed the possibility, her eyes shifting to meet Aubrey's. In unison, they shook their heads. "That doesn't feel like what's happening," she said. "We haven't had any reason to suspect Darius until this new team got assigned to us. It's probably someone on the team."

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