More Life: Chapter Thirty-Five

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    The only thing Destiny knew about Grand Cayman was that wealthy US citizens sometimes hid money there. She had no idea how beautiful the island was, how the architecture of the houses on the island ranged from quaint and traditional to tastefully modern. Its downtown reminded her of the colorful New Orleans, with two- and three-story buildings boasting wrap-around balconies on the upper floors. The resident population was diverse. Grand Cayman and Turks and Caicos shared a general sense of relaxation. No one seemed to be in a rush. People walking down the street took their time getting to their destination. Workers tending to the land focused on their tasks, but didn't rush their job. Cars drove at a leisurely speed, no one trying to cut off anyone else. It lacked the hustle and bustle vibe of D.C., which was a refreshing change.

    Back in D.C., everyone seemed to be in a hurry. It was common to see business executives sprinting across the street or driving at breakneck speeds to reach their destination. 

    Aubrey's voice cut into her thoughts. "Even the smallest house you see on this island costs a fortune," he informed her. "Everyone in the US thinks that the real estate there is inflated. Here, the real estate market is insane. Granted, there's a lot less land for them to work with. But still. I looked into moving here a few times. Both times, I was humbled - even with my net worth."

    Their motorcade pulled into the driveway of a two-story cream-colored house. Luscious palm trees flanked the house and were scattered all around the property. Destiny released a breath she hadn't known she was holding. The house was gorgeous in its simplicity.

    "What do you think?" Aubrey asked her softly.

    "We've stayed in better," Carlos quipped.

    Destiny laughed. 

    "The question was meant for you," Aubrey said.

    "I love it," she breathed out. "I'm surprised it's not a flashier house."

    "This property is owned by the US government," Aubrey explained. "So I can't take the credit for it. And Carlos, to your point of us having stayed in better, we have to remember that this isn't a vacation."

    "Right," Carlos said. "This is a covert operation. We can't be flashy here. We're supposed to be invisible."

    "Exactly," Aubrey confirmed.

    The car pulled to a stop in front of the property and they poured out of the vehicles parked in the circular driveway. Destiny could feel Aubrey's hand closing around hers. A sudden heaviness weighed in her heart. It came out of nowhere and wasn't related to any specific thought she had at the moment. Possibly a distant awareness of their relationship drama trying to dampen their reunion.

    Ever observant, he drew nearer and kissed her left temple. 

    While the crew around them chatted, the front door of the house opened. Darius Garner stepped out onto the front porch. "Long time no see," he called over them.

    Aubrey and Destiny approached him. 

    Darius scanned Destiny from head to toe. "How are you holding up? You guys have certainly been through it."

    "That seems to be our thing," Destiny said sheepishly, stepping forward to hug him.

    "I half-expected you to change your hair, against our recommendation," Darius remarked, returning the embrace before ruffling her shorter blonde hair.

    She shrugged and took a step back. "Your advise was solid. I was just in my feelings about having to change it."

    Carlos whipped his head around. "So you're who I have to blame for this atrocity?" he demanded, pointing at his friend's hair.

    Darius laughed. "She had to be unrecognizable."

    "And unfashionable. And unattractable. And undesireable."

    "Unattractable is a word you've just invented, since it doesn't exist," Aubrey informed. "Undesirable is also an impossibility when you're talking about Destiny."

    "I want to hype her up as much as you do," Carlos said, "but honestly, we need to bring back bullying. Bullying kept people in line and forced people to bring their A game."

    "Cover operation," Aubrey stated flatly as a reminder.

    "Right," Carlos muttered. "Although I don't understand why the FBI would think that a short blonde cut equals invisible. I'd be able to spot her from across the island. But what the fuck do I know?"

    Darius rolled his eyes heavenward. "God help us all."

    "Indeed," Aubrey said. 

    "We should all head inside," Darius announced, glancing towards the street. He proceeded to give them a tour of the property.

    The interior walls matched the exterior paint job. Cream-colored paint dominated the place and was garnished with white trim. The cabinetry in the kitchen and bathrooms was light in color. Even though this was one of the older houses on the island, the appliances were up to date. The furniture was dated but added a certain charm from the place. 

    What grabbed Destiny's attention were the patio doors in the living room. The windows in those doors provided a fabulous view of the ocean. While Darius and Aubrey were engaged in conversation, she removed her hand from Aubrey's and moved forward.

    She could feel Aubrey's eyes on her, and he paused in his conversation with the FBI agent. But he allowed her to move away from him without interfering.

    The patio doors were locked, but unlocking them was easy. As soon as she flung the doors open, a sea breeze rolled into the living room. Welcoming the salty air, she stepped out onto the patio and tilted her head back. It was peaceful here. She wasn't lonely anymore, as she had been in Turks and Caicos before crashing Aubrey's video shoot. Even though she probably should still feel terrified after the most recent attack brought upon them, for these brief few moments, she wasn't fearing for her life. All she felt was peace and the warmth from the sun.

    Carlos joined her and only gave her a few more minutes of peace. "When I give you grief about unimportant things like your hair and clothes, you know I'm only seventy-five percent serious, right?"

    She burst out laughing. "You're supposed to say you're only half-serious. That's the phrase."

    "But I'm definitely more than half-serious," he pointed out, raising a solitary index finger. "If I want to be accurate, I'd have to go closer to seventy-five percent."

    "I get it, you're not a fan of the blonde," she said, still laughing.

    "It could be purple for all I care," he told her. "I'm just glad you're back. I'm glad you're okay."

    She turned to look at him. "A rare serious moment from Carlos?"

    Grinning, he shrugged. "We've been through some pretty crazy shit. Out of all of us, you've probably been through the most shit. I know I joke a lot. It's partly trying to lighten the mood, since we've been through so much. Then partly joking around with Aubrey in case I catch him feeling a little bisexual on any given day. I also think it's partly out of nervousness. Joking is just my go-to, you know?"

    "I know," she said, smiling. "Watch out, now. You're actually sounding mature."

    "Maturity looks good on me, doesn't it?" he asked, striking a pose.

    Unable to keep her smile from widening, she tilted her head to the side. "Maturity looks phenomenal on you, Carlos."

    He flipped his hair, then turned his head so he could appreciate the ocean stretched out before them. A few small boats sat on the water, the cherries on top of an already otherwise aesthetic image. "Aliveness looks phenomenal on you," he remarked. Then he smiled at her tinkle of laughter before slinging an arm across her shoulders.

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