Chapter Seventy-Eight

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    Low music was playing. Before opening her eyes, Destiny recognized the hypnotic music and enchanting vocals of the duo Majid Jordan. It was the same music that had played the previous night as Aubrey and Destiny had made love, the same album that had lulled both of them to sleep...and the same music that eased her into consciousness this morning.

    When she opened her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of Aubrey, who still slumbered peacefully with an arm around her. Light filtered in through the open blinds hanging over the windows, shining across his face and giving the illusion that he was glowing. Then she remembered the conversation they'd had yesterday, the conversation about their impending nuptials. They'd finally settled on a date.

    In a little less than seven months, I'll be Mrs. Graham, she realized, lightly touching his face with her fingertips. Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Destiny Graham. Mrs. Destiny Richards-Graham.

    He shifted in his sleep, and his eyes came open. A sleepy smile stretched across his face and he blinked slowly at her.

    She stared back at him and felt a hundred different feelings at once: contentment, unconditional love, and respect were among them. The same emotions she felt, she saw mirrored in his eyes. It was an amazing feeling to have true feelings of love for someone, to care about their well-being more than your own - it was something else entirely, to have those same intense feelings reciprocated. There were people in the world who never got to find the person they were meant to be with, people in this world who lived their entire lives without knowing how true love felt. I'm truly fortunate, she thought as Aubrey raised his head and leaned towards her.

    "Good morning," he greeted before kissing her.

    Morning kisses shared in a room filled with natural light...breathless sentiments and tender touches exchanged. He positioned himself above her while their lips were locked. His arms went around her, and her arms went around him. What followed was some of the most gentle lovemaking she'd ever experienced with him. A lot of eye contact, a lot of expressions of love went said and unsaid as he eased himself into her. They climaxed together, and he remained on top of her with his arms around her, pressing small kisses to her shoulder. She turned her head to the side and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his lips on her skin. That was the moment that she remembered...they weren't just a loving couple. And this wasn't just a lovemaking session...this was technically a part of her training.

    "Each morning you will give yourself to me...however I want it."

    And I did. I just gave myself to him, the way I was supposed to. And after that, what was it...?

    "We will shower together. Every morning. You will dress me. You will cook breakfast for me. You will see me off to work."

    She turned to face him.

    He was looking at her with concern. "Are you okay?"

    She nodded slowly. "I just remembered my instructions," she said.

    "You forgot them?"

    "When I'm around you, it's easy to forget everything else," she replied, lowering her eyes.

    He kissed her shoulder one more time, and then moved off of her. "Likewise."

    "Next is the shower, and then I dress you," she said, sitting up.

    "I'm impressed by your memory." He ran a hand over his head and squinted at the clock on the nightstand. Then he leaned over and grabbed his cell phone, checking the screen for any missed messages. "I'm running a little late, so we need to get out of bed sooner rather than later."

    She stood out of bed, her mind conjuring up about ten different joking responses to him running late and what had caused him to run late. Since his mood had turned more serious though, she felt that this wasn't a time for joking. Holding her tongue the way a dutiful little submissive would, she walked around the bed and stopped in front of him.

    Seated on the edge of the bed, he peered up at her.

    Extending her hand to him, she said, "We should probably hop in the shower as quickly as possible then, Sir."

    He smiled and took her hand.


    The shower had been...quite an experience. It had been getting dirty, then clean, then dirty, then clean again. He had her against three of the four shower walls - the moment they'd gotten inside of the stall, he seemed to lose all sense of time. He no longer cared that he was running late. In fact, by the time they stumbled out of the stall, he was considerably later.

    Once out of the shower, he stood in the middle of the bathroom dripping wet.

    She would have loved to stand there staring at him in all of his lean muscled glory, but since he was running late, she hurriedly grabbed a towel from the bathroom closet. Looking him in the eyes, she returned to him and clutched the towel to her chest.

    A corner of his mouth lifted and water continued to drip.

    Her eyes dropped down from his face to his chest. Without speaking, she started to dry him off. It was instinct to dry him off before drying off herself. After all, he was the one who had to go to work. She was fortunate enough to be able to work from the house today. As the air dried her, she dried him, taking great care not to be too rough with his sensitive parts.

    His gaze stayed on her most of the time and only broke when she circled around to stand behind him.

    She knelt down to the floor, drying his calves. When she was done, she stood up and awaited further instruction, even though she knew what came next.

    Or...thought she did. Flashing a smile at her, he held out his hand.

    She placed the balled up towel in it.

    He walked the towel over to the linen closet, and dropped it into the hamper beneath the shelving. Then he grabbed another towel from the shelf and walked over to her. "You're doing great so far, baby girl," he complimented as he drew across her chest and down her right arm. "I know that I've given you a lot of instructions to remember. I'm not expecting for you to remember them all on your first day. This training of yours is like training for anything else. There will be trial and error, which I do understand. Your goal, throughout your entire training and throughout all of the time we spend together, is to be the best submissive you can be. My goal will always be to be the best Dominant that I can be to you."

    She watched as he dried her off and said, "Well, you're off to a great start, Sir."

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