Chapter Twenty-Nine

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    One arm outstretched, one hand planted firmly on the carpeted floor. The other arm outstretched, and the other hand planted six inches in front of the first and repeat.

    Aubrey waited for her while drawing down the zipper of his dress pants. "I want you to stop right there," he said softly. "I want you to stop and position yourself on your knees in front of me. Hands folded together on top of your thighs."

    "That's very specific," she remarked.

    He arched an eyebrow at her with one hand clutching the waistband of his pants.

    She pursed her lips shut and did as she was told.

    "I don't want you to consider this training," he said, circling around her. "This is more of a test before your training starts. You already have a mark against you with the comment you just made. You failed to ask permission to speak. You were not told to offer your opinion."

    Defiance sparked in her eyes, but she (barely) managed to hold her tongue.

    He came to stand in front of her again and offered her a gentle smile. "You know that I care about your opinion. But please understand that in order for us to carve our own lane into this lifestyle, you need to learn the basics. The fundamentals. We have to start from scratch. Scratch is, I instruct and you obey. No questions, no cute jokes, no sarcasm, no disobedience. Understood?"

    "Yes, Sir."

    "Good." He pushed his pants down his legs and stepped out of them.

    Her mouth watered. It was an honest-to-God biological reaction that she couldn't have stopped if she'd wanted to. She was almost ashamed to admit to herself that her mouth watered at the sight of him nearly naked. But her mouth definitely did water, and her pulse quickened.

    "Eyes down," he commanded.

    He's asking me to stop looking at him, even though he is the yummiest thing I've ever seen, she realized, angling her gaze downward. How does he expect me to stare down at the floor when he's standing only inches away from me with...with that pointing right at me? She stared down at the floor for what felt like ages while he remained standing in front of her. Silly urges arose, urges to attempt sneaking a peek at him without him noticing. She shut those urges down as quickly as they sprang up, because he was Aubrey. Aubrey seemed to know everything. The 6God did, indeed, seem to always be watching. After she dismissed those urges, the thought occurred to her that she could try to find the shadow of his appendage, instead of sneaking glances at it directly.

    But then his voice cut into her thoughts. "You're doing a good job," he complimented.

    I can't cheat, not after he just gave me praise for doing a good job. Her mouth curved down into a pout.

    He chuckled and said, "You can look up now."

    She looked up at him.

    "What are you thinking?" he asked her.

    "I'm thinking that...this isn't what I pictured happening after you told me to take my clothes off."

    He chuckled again and sat down in the chair. "What did you picture happening?"

    A shy smile curled her lips, and she tried to hide it. "Other things."

    "'Other things' will happen in due time," he promised. "Come here."

    She crawled closer to the chair he was sitting in.

    He rested his elbows on his knees and leaned forward, looking down at her. "Kneel."

    She raised herself up onto her knees and pushed her hair out of her face, shortly before folding her hands together and resting them on the tops of her thighs.

    He smiled approvingly. "Very good."

    "Thank you, Sir."

    His eyes lowered, taking in every inch of her that was visible. "Hmm," he said softly, bringing his elbows off of his knees and leaning back in the chair. "There is something that I want you to do for me."

    "Yes, Sir?" She hated how eager she sounded, but couldn't help it.

    "I want you to watch me. Keep your eyes on me. But don't move one inch. Don't move anything. Just watch. Can you do that?"

    Her brows drew together. Was this a trick question?

    With the teasing smile he wore, it was getting harder and harder to read him.

    "Yes, I can do that, Sir."

    "Good girl." His eyes remained locked on hers as he moved one hand to his lap. Without breaking eye contact, he started to stroke himself.

    Oh God. Her gaze dropped down to the floor.

    "If we were training right now, you would be punished for taking your eyes off me," he said lightly.

    She dragged her eyes upwards and watched his hand slowly stroke the length of his arousal. Her cheeks heated up, the apex of her thighs grew increasingly moist, and her mouth watered as if she was in a desert eyeing a bottle of water that was just out of reach. Every cell in her body screamed at her to reach out and touch him. She wanted to climb on top of him and ride him all the way back to Toronto. She wanted to bend over in front of him and let him have his way with her; she wanted him to drill into her until there was nothing left to drill. Every carnal thought she could muster came to mind while watching him stroke himself. How was it possible for him to look so sexy getting himself off? Wasn't that her job? Wasn't it pointless for him to touch himself when she was here to do it, rendering the entire act useless and unnecessary? But no...there was something undoubtedly sexy about watching him stroke up and down every inch of heaven that was growing firmer by the minute. Not only that, but he somehow managed to look powerful while doing it.

    It could be the look in his eyes. His eyes had a dark, twisted, mischievous look to them. From the look in his eyes, he knew just how torturous it was for her to not be able to touch him. It seemed that a part of him enjoyed seeing her squirm.

    And squirm she did, fighting not to move. His instructions had been clear: watch, but don't move. Easier said than done, when watching him was doing things to her body that she'd never even felt before. There was a stirring sensation in the pit of her stomach, and the muscles in her thighs started twitching. Her fingertips itched...they itched to feel her own skin, if she wasn't able to touch his.

    A corner of his mouth lifted while he continued stroking. "You look like you want to do naughty things to me."

    She stared at him without speaking.

    He stared back, and amusement filled his eyes when he said, "You have permission to speak."

    "I do want to do naughty things to you," she said without hesitation."

    The grin that spread across his face was wolfish. "You're so cute, I swear. But baby don't even know what naughty is yet." He continued to stroke, but raised his other hand and bent his index finger. "Come here, though, and I'll show you."

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