More Life: Chapter Seventy-Four

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    Aubrey and Destiny stared at each other a few more moments before he raised his hand and pointed downward.

    Immediately, without question, she lowered until her knees hit the sand. It was a move she'd practiced more than once, since she wouldn't have her hands for balance. 

    Enthralled, Jasmine had to catch herself since she was up. She cracked open her book and started reading.

    Destiny peered up at her Dominant, arms still bound. They were bound tightly...not enough to cause significant pain. There was just the right amount of pain, the amount of pain that was delicious.

    A corner of Aubrey's mouth lifted as he stared back down at her. For the majority of his adult life, he'd known that married life for him wouldn't look the way it did for most others. He hadn't known details, not in his twenties. Once his rap career took off and exploded, he just remembered looking around at a lot of the people around him. He remembered seeing a lot of couples that weren't happy. There were a lot of unhappy wives who tried flirting with him. There were a lot of unhappy husbands who vented to him. There were a lot of unhappy husbands that he witnessed cheating on their wives. That was a life he'd never wanted for himself. In the event he did get married, he wanted it to last. He'd wanted to make sure that he could give a wife what she needed. As a rapper, that was tough to do. Rappers were expected to live certain lifestyles and even if he'd been bold enough to swear off that lifestyle, there was still a lot of travel involved. If his wife wasn't game to travel the world with him while he toured, he'd be tempted. He liked to think he was the kind of man who could resist temptation...but let's face it...

    And now, here he was...having a unique wedding ceremony with only the few people necessary to bear witness. He cracked a smile, remembering Carlos's objection to the term "witness." Twenty-five year old Aubrey hadn't known what path his life would take, hadn't known what marriage would look like for him. Now, he knew that it meant binding his own wife's arms behind her back, meant listening to the officiator bind them together spiritually. It meant moving to kneel behind his wife so that he could methodically unbind the rope from her arms. 

    It meant accepting the ring provided by Carlos so he could slide it on the delicate ring finger of the woman destined to be his wife. It meant his Destiny accepting a ring from Carlos so she could slide it onto her Dominant's finger. It meant Aubrey removing her veil altogether and accepting another piece of jewelry from Carlos, a thick, jewel-encrusted D-ring collar that set off all sorts of colors once the sun hit it.

    With happy tears in her eyes, Destiny stared up at him and swept her curls to one side as he fixed the collar around her neck. "I love you, Sir," she told him earnestly.

    "I love you with all my heart, baby girl," he said back. "Do you belong to me?"

    "Yes, I do, Sir."

    "Will you always belong to me?"

    "Yes, I will, Sir."

    "You and I have had a lot of healing and growing to do," he told her. "There have been a lot of things that we had to work through. You have been such a beautiful pillar of strength through every single test that has faced us. Throughout everything, you stayed loyal to me. You pushed me, even when I ordered you not to - not something that I'll always say in a positive light. But you seem to know when it's okay to push and when you should allow me to find my own way. You have forgiven behavior that I wish I'd never displayed to you. You have forgiven training that was misguided. When I was determined not to believe love even exists, you were the one person who proved to me that it does - countless times. You were the one woman I felt that I couldn't live without, couldn't breathe without. That is a feeling I've never had."

50 Shades of Drake 5 and 6Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora