More Life: Chapter Fifty-Three

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    Phoenix International Airport was even more insane than Houston, because by then all local paparazzi and reporters were notified that Drake would be flying into town. At first glance upon entry into the airport, it appeared that there were more members of the press than actual people attempting to board flights. Airline ticket agents attempted to keep the press at bay, but they were clamoring to get as close to Aubrey and Destiny as possible. They wanted to know how she was still alive, why she'd stayed in hiding so long, and what the deal was behind the most recent sex tape that had leaked.

    Destiny repeated what she'd said in Houston, nearly verbatim.

    Darius confirmed that she hadn't overstepped the boundaries as far as Palmer's case was concerned. The judge hadn't yet given explicit orders for witnesses to refrain from speaking to the press. That order would most likely be given once news of Destiny's interview was more widespread. "Although you haven't spoken out of turn now, you will want to cease any further interviews until after the trial has passed," the senior agent warned her, adjusting the lapels of his suit jacket. "I guarantee the judge will issue the order banning media interviews and you don't want to put the entire trial in jeopardy. No mention of Palmer or the case in public ever."

    "Understood," Destiny said.

    An armored car awaited them at the curb outside of the Arrivals section of the airport. Carlos walked around to the rear driver side door and climbed in while Aubrey assisted Destiny into the rear passenger side. He then slid in beside her and allowed an FBI agent to close the door after him. Automatically, his left arm went around Destiny's shoulders. After the scare in the Grand Cayman bathroom, he never wanted to leave her side. He was still rattled and imagery from that event kept flashing into his mind. It had been horrible feeling that helpless. No nearby weapons, no way to protect the two of them. If Carlos hadn't been there, they probably wouldn't be alive right now. I'm only thinking "probably" because Agent Macally did seem to freeze up. He'd stood there so long before Carlos got there. It was like he was already second-guessing himself, questioning what he was doing holding a gun on us. He kissed the top of his woman's head and repeatedly thanked God for saving the both of them. 

    "After we visit my family, are we going back to your place in L.A?" Destiny asked him quietly.

    "I have to see my mom," he told her. "The only time I've gone this long without seeing her is when I went on world tours. I have to see her face, have to hug her-"

    "I get it," she said.

    The drive seemed to take forever, and it was far less than an hour. Thirty minutes, tops. As soon as the car came to a stop in the driveway, Destiny was nudging at Aubrey to get out of the car. Laughing, he obliged and she hopped down and bounded across the driveway and parts of the front yard. She didn't stop until she was on the porch, frantically knocking on the door. That door was opened to reveal a shorter woman nearly identical to Destiny, other than being a few shades lighter.

    Joy read all over Mrs. Richards's face as she stretched her arms to welcome her daughter into them.

    Once Aubrey, Destiny, Carlos, and the agents were all seated in the family room, Mrs. Richards immediately disappeared into the kitchen to make everyone a pot of tea.

    Mr. Richards sat in his favorite armchair, holding his daughter and not wanting to let her go. "Are you okay?" he kept asking her. "You were gone so long and we didn't even hear a peep."

    "Better than hearing a bunch of dying alley cats screeching all night," Carlos muttered.

    Understanding the reference, Aubrey cut him a look.

    Carlos made another zipping gesture near his lips, then turned his attention to the room's decor.

    "I'm fine, Dad," Destiny repeated. 

    "Are you sure?" Mr. Richards glanced at Aubrey. "What the hell have you kids gotten yourselves into? Being hunted down by politicians? What is this craziness about?"

    "This craziness is about us stumbling across multiple crimes this politician has committed in the past," Aubrey explained. "And him not wanting us to live to tell a judge about it."

    Mr. Richards's eyebrows drew together. "The car accident was an attempt to kill my girl?"

    My girl, Aubrey's mind couldn't help but correct. "Yes."

    "Good Lord, you were lucky to escape with your life, honey," Mr. Richards said to Destiny.

    That was when she collapsed into tears.

    Aubrey's eyes met hers and without needing to be told, he knew the reason behind the tears. "Lucky" wasn't necessarily the word she'd come up with, since the both of them had still suffered a heartbreaking loss because of that accident.

    Her hand subconsciously shot across her stomach and held it.

    Aubrey's eyes flicked over to Mr. Richards, whose eyes had lowered to Destiny's stomach. Whatever you could say about the man with the blue collar upbringing, the man was sharp.

    The look in Mr. Richards's eyes hardened as realization dawned on him. "I'm going to kill him," he muttered, standing up from his armchair.

    Destiny stumbled back over to Aubrey, who stood to meet her and hold her.

    Mrs. Richards returned to the family room holding a tray carrying a pot and small cups. "I leave for five minutes and here you are, trying to kill someone," she reprimanded her husband.

    Mr. Richards was still staring at his daughter. More to the point, he was staring at his daughter's stomach with his own fists clenched in his lap. 

    "What did I miss?" Mrs. Richards asked.

    Destiny wiped at her tears and took a few steadying breaths.

    Aubrey stared at her for a long while before saying, "The car accident Destiny was involved in caused her to lose our child."

    Time slowed until everything moved in slow motion. The tray left Mrs. Richards's hand and made a painstakingly slow descent to the floor before her feet. Her hands lifted to cover her mouth and tears shone in her eyes.

    "I almost had a grandbaby," Mr. Richards said, his voice taut with anger. 

    "You did have one," Destiny amended.

    "Right. Of course. I'm..." Mr. Richards shook his head in frustration. "I'm sorry. I don't even begin to know how to process this."

    "You do what I did and take some time to grieve the loss," Destiny said, her voice sounding empty and devoid of emotion. "Then you move onto being grateful that I'm still alive. Still here. Still with the love of my life. Grateful that we have the opportunity to give you another grandbaby."

    "Everything you all have been through," Mrs. Richards said, starting to kneel to the floor.

    "I'll clean that up for you," Carlos suggested, standing from the couch. Even he sounded too exhausted to crack jokes. Circles were etched under his eyes, and he hadn't even thought to use face care products to remove them. 

    Two federal agents remained standing at the family room entrance. Darius was still in the car, fielding phone calls from his D.C. office. 

    "You are going to stay here with us for a while, right?" Mr. Richards asked his daughter.

   "I...I want to so badly, Dad. The agent in charge thinks that could put your life at further risk, though. And Aubrey needs to see his family before we start laying low again."

    "How will I know you're safe?" Mr. Richards demanded.

    "Because I'll keep her safe," Aubrey promised.

    Mr. Richards gave him a look. The man was tempted to say something like, "The way you kept her safe last time?" The retort was written all over his face. For some reason, though, he chose to swallow the words and nod. "Please do. That's my baby girl you got there."

    A corner of Aubrey's mouth twitched. "She's my baby girl, too. I know how you feel."

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