More Life: Chapter Fourteen

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    It wasn't long before Darius informed Destiny of the fact that not only was she being transferred to a secure location in Turks and Caicos, but she would wear a disguise for her entire stay. The change in appearance is what would allow her to leave her residence there and go into town without being detected.

    "Mind you, it's best for you to stay in the residence as often as possible," Darius explained. "We wouldn't recommend for you to spend the majority of your days in town around a lot of people. That would only complicate matters and increase your chances of being recognized. But we're also aware of the fact that staying in the residence one hundred percent of the time would most likely drive you crazy. We don't want that either. The compromise is allowing you to go out at times, to satisfy that need for fresh air and socialization. Keep socializing to as much of a minimum as you can. Try to avoid large gatherings and events as much as you can."

    "Wouldn't it be easier to get lost in the crowd at a large gathering or event?" she'd mused out loud.

    "Large gatherings means more pairs of eyes, which means the higher likelihood that someone in that crowd would recognize you," he'd told her. "Even with a disguise on, your facial features are striking. We can change your hair up, change the style of clothes you wear, help coach you on how to speak differently, but at the end of the day someone who is an entertainment news hound could still pick you out from a crowd. So your own protection will be partially dependent upon the security team we assign to you and your own smart choices."

    "Change my hair up?" she asked, her brows furrowed.

    Darius paced the length of the small room. "Your hair length and color will be changing."

    Her brows shot up. "I can't just throw a wig on?"

    "These are details you'll be discussing with your design team."

    "Can ArrogantTae be included in my design team?" she muttered, turning her back to him and raising her hands to her hips. All of this was overwhelming, but this was her one possible chance to reconnect with Aubrey - if he coincidentally happened to be on this same island. Her heart sank a bit. The odds of him being on these islands the same time she was, weren't high. Knowing him, he'd thrown himself into work instead of even grieving properly. Who was to say he'd even grieve the way she'd guessed? Instead of island hopping, he could have gone up to visit his mother and spend time with her during this time of grief.

    She could sense Darius closing the distance between them. A heavy hand settled on her shoulder. "Everything will be fine."

    "Says the guy to the girl who's gone to hell and back trying to nurture her natural curl pattern without wrecking it," she said. "Since my hair is dark, you're most likely talking about lightening my hair color. Do you know what that would do to the health of my hair?" Her hands had balled into fists. My curl pattern isn't what I'm really worried about, but it's all I can talk about with Darius, she thought in frustration. I can't tell him that what I'm really worried about is that we'll go to Turks and Aubrey won't be there. He'll be on some other island or home trying to drown his grief in another bitch's pussy.

    Behind her, Darius sighed. Seeming to realize there was no consoling her, he said, "I'm going to give you some time alone. Later today, you meet with the disguise team. Tomorrow, you will receive a makeover and meet with a dialect coach. That will be your last day here. Then, you are taking off for Turks and Caicos."

    For the entire duration of that flight, I'll be praying with all of my might that I see Aubrey there, she thought as the FBI agent exited the small room.


    Darius wasn't kidding when he said that her hair would change. The disguise team didn't just want to trim her hair or give her a different style. They wanted to cut off most of her hair and bleach what was left. She posed her question to them about just throwing a bleached blonde wig on, and they shot down that suggestion.

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