Chapter Seven

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    The breakfast table. Aubrey's personal chef out did herself on the breakfast food selections. Every breakfast food imaginable was presented and offered. Everyone wore their pajamas to the breakfast table - even Aubrey, who seemed to feel right at home with Destiny's family.

    What struck Destiny, though, was just how quiet everyone was at breakfast. Carlos kept sneaking looks at her, then throwing glances Jasmine's way. At first, Destiny ignored it. She figured it was just Carlos being Carlos. But then it persisted. She shot a look across the table at him, a look asking "What is it?"

    He shook his head and lowered his eyes to the breakfast plate. Remaining silent, he raised his fork and speared a piece of pancake with it.

    "So did anyone else hear that cat last night?" Mr. Richards asked, looking around the table.

    Carlos's hand froze in mid-air.

    Aubrey's brows furrowed. "Cat?"

    "Yeah - it was screeching all night," Mr. Richards explained. "It sounded like...I don't know. It sounded like it was dying or something. I was tempted to go outside, put it out of its misery."

    Jasmine and Carlos exchanged knowing glances.

    "There aren't any cats on my property that I know of," Aubrey said slowly, looking down at Destiny.

    She shrugged at him.

    "Are you sure?" Mr. Richards persisted.

    "It's his property, Dad," Destiny said. "He's probably sure."

    "Maybe it's a stray or something, because your mother and I definitely heard it," her father muttered. "Looking at me like I'm crazy, like I don't know what a damned cat sounds like."

    "I think I heard it, too," Candace said after chewing the food that was in her mouth. Sadie sat on her lap, kicking her legs back and forth and swiping food from Candace's plate whenever she could manage.

    Carlos raised a napkin to his mouth and coughed in it.

    "It was loud enough that this whole gated community should have heard it," Mr. Richards declared. "I've never heard a cat as loud as that one. It just went on and on and on, like...I mean, now that I think about it, it went on for hours. Didn't it?" He slanted a look down at his wife. "We heard it, then fell asleep, woke up, and we still heard it. Right?"

    Mrs. Richards nodded. "It sounded like the cat was in pain."

    Someone kicked Destiny in the shin. "Ah!" she cried out.

    Mr. Richards raised his spoon and gestured towards Destiny. "Yeah - it sounded kind of like that."

    Carlos coughed into his napkin again, then slid out of his chair until he was on the floor.

    "Carlos?" Mrs. Richards asked. She turned to her husband. "His name is Carlos, right?" She ducked her head underneath the table. "Are you all right, honey? Did you faint? What just happened?"

    Destiny rubbed the back of her neck.

    With a great display of effort, Carlos grasped the seat and pulled himself up. He sat back in his chair, shaking his head. "So, Aubrey and Des...what did you two do last night? Anything interesting?"

    Aubrey leaned back in his chair. "Uh..."

    Destiny flashed a warning glare at Carlos.

    "Watch any interesting movies?" Carlos asked, squealing with laughter before he could end the sentence. He covered his mouth with a napkin again.

    "I don't understand," Mrs. Richards said, her face wrinkled with confusion. "What is happening here? What is so funny, Carlos?"

    "Nothing, Mom," Destiny responded quickly. "Carlos is just special like that."

    "At least the only thing I was riding last night was the short yellow bus," he quipped. "What were you riding last night?"

    Realization seemed to dawn on Candace, and she nudged Jasmine, who was already attempting to suppress laughter.

    Mr. and Mrs. Richards looked at each other.

    Carlos turned and practically leaned over Jasmine's lap. "So, that cat, Mr. Richards...what did it sound like, again?"

    Destiny's cheeks flushed.

    "I think I heard the cat, too," Aubrey said, reaching for his glass of orange juice. "It sounded like it was just about to lose a job that was so generously offered to it. And the condo that was set up for it." He took a sip of orange juice and set the glass back down on the table.

    Carlos pinched his index finger and thumb together, and drew them across his mouth, indicating that his mouth was zipped.

    Mrs. Richards shook her head. "I'm just going to have to stay lost. I don't understand what's going on."

    "I'll tell you, Grandma," Sadie said, holding a piece of French toast in her hands. "Grandpa said he heard a kitty outside. And then that guy rode a short yellow bus because he's special."

    "Thank you, munchkin," Mrs. Richards said. "That clears everything right up."

    "All I know is, if I hear that cat again tonight, your mother and I are getting a hotel room," Mr. Richards told Destiny. "Either that, or I'm going outside and putting it out of its misery."

    Destiny's cheeks were hot with embarrassment. Candace and Jasmine were looking at her in wonder and awe. Maybe some jealousy was also mixed in there.

    Aubrey cleared his throat and draped an arm across the back of her chair. He leaned in close to her and whispered, "What do you think? Is your dad going to hear that cat again tonight?"

    "I'd better not," Mr. Richards muttered.

    Destiny shook her head and covered her face with her hands.

    "Don't worry, Mr. Richards," Aubrey said, leaning away from Destiny and shifting in his seat. "You won't have to put any cats out of their misery tonight. That's my job. If the cat comes around tonight, I'll beat it up."

    Destiny jammed an elbow into his ribs.

    Carlos raised his napkin to his mouth again, making a choking sound.

    "You don't have to beat it up," Mr. Richards insisted. "If you're going to put it out of its misery, at least make it quick for the poor thing."

    Aubrey licked his lips and picked up his fork. " see, I like to take my time, Mr. Richards."

    "Beating up kitties isn't nice," Sadie said with a frown. "That's mean."

    "You think I should be nice to the kitty, then?" Aubrey asked her, looking amused.

    Sadie nodded.

    Aubrey angled a look at Destiny, who was looking everywhere but at the family seated around the dining room table. "I'll see what I can do," he said softly.

    "This is so wrong. Ican't. I'm out." Carlos slid down to the floor again, collapsing withlaughter. 

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