Chapter Twenty-Five

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    Sunlight was beginning to press against the blinds, but Destiny was in no rush to get out of bed. She was more than comfortable with her man's arms around her, more than comfortable listening to his steady breathing while he slept.

    She raised a hand to the diamond collar that was still around her neck, then held her hand out and stared at the huge rock on her ring finger.

    "Did you want a bigger one?" Aubrey asked groggily. "I can get you a bigger one."

    "I wouldn't be able to hold my hand up if it were any bigger," she said, dropping her hand onto his chest. "It's perfect the way it is."

    "When shopping for it, I realized I didn't really know your taste in jewelry," he said. "I know what I buy you. I know the pieces that you brought with you to Toronto. But when it comes to certain cuts, and styles of rings...I had no clue what to get you. I almost took you ring shopping, but that would have spoiled the surprise factor."

    "I liked the surprise factor."

    He raised his head so he could kiss the top of hers. "How did you sleep?"

    "I slept pretty good. You?"

    "Like a baby." He reached up and rubbed his eyes. "What time is it?"

    She craned her neck and peered at the clock on the nightstand. "Almost seven o' clock."

    "I need to call the chef and get breakfast going." He started to sit up and reach for his cell phone. 

    She leaned over him and covered his hand with hers, pulling it back to his torso. "Do we have to wake up right now?"

    "We're...already awake," he pointed out.

    "I mean...can't we just lie here for awhile?"

    He settled back in bed and wrapped his arm around her again. "Our families' flights are leaving out in less than four hours, and one of those hours is reserved for the drive to the airport. Getting everyone rounded up is probably going to be a challenge in and of itself."

    "Since we don't have to worry about Kevin, Tasha, and Sadie, it probably won't be that hard to get everyone on their flights."

    "I still find it hard to believe that a soul as pure as Sadie's could come from those two people," he muttered. "She's this...adorable little ray of sunshine, and her mother is...just filled with negativity. It's crazy to me, how Kevin allows Tasha to just walk all over him and his family that way. I would never. Never."

    "He cheated on her awhile back and she threatened to take Sadie away," Destiny explained. "Now he's scared to death to challenge anything she says. There are times when I can tell he wants to. He gets this look in his eyes like he wants to snap on her. But...he just doesn't. He knows what he would risk losing if he did. He fucked up, and now the karma being dealt to him is having to deal with her."

    "Insane. And everyone looked at me like I was crazy for taking too long to settle down."

    "People should be careful who they choose to marry and conceive children with," she said. "So many people are out there just...throwing caution to the wind. Before you know it, you're attached to someone you can barely stand for the rest of your life, because you have a kid with them."

    He gently squeezed her. "Thankfully, you and I don't have that problem," he murmured, burying his face in her hair. "I wouldn't mind being attached to you for the rest of my life."

    "About that..."


    She didn't know how to ask him what she wanted to ask him. So, we've been doing a lot of practicing as far as children goes...when do we expect to have them for real? There's a certain surgery you should be getting - did you need my help with scheduling a doctor's appointment? Did you need me to stand by your side and hold your hand while the surgery is being done? Because I'd definitely be willing to do that.

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